natsot - bob and hazel hawke walk surrounded by supporters smiling and waving - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:151987 Election Hawke victory
prime minister bob hawke with voter telling how to vote pats on back / hawke casting his vote / hawke and hazel walk - hawke with baby / bob and... - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:061987 Election day wrap
medium angle tracking shot of yellow sports car, possibly camaro, traveling away from pov around city streets of century city. see multi-story office buildings, trees, and telephone poles along sides of street. see bus, trucks, and cars traveling on stre - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:14MEDIUM ANGLE TRACKING SHOT OF YELLOW SPORTS CAR, POSSIBLY CAMARO, TRAVELING AWAY FROM POV AROUND CITY STREETS OF CENTURY CITY. SEE MULTI-STORY OFFICE BUILDINGS, TREES, AND TELEPHONE POLES ALONG SIDES OF STREET. SEE BUS, TRUCKS, AND CARS TRAVELING ON STRE
young men browse and buy records in hip hop record store; london, 1987 - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:15Young men browse and buy records in hip hop record store; London, 1987
medium angle times square. see moving cars on city street. signs, marquee, flashing lights along right and in background. woman in lingerie on sign on foreground. could be red light district. pedestrians in front of buildings. - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:18MEDIUM ANGLE TIMES SQUARE. SEE MOVING CARS ON CITY STREET. SIGNS, MARQUEE, FLASHING LIGHTS ALONG RIGHT AND IN BACKGROUND. WOMAN IN LINGERIE ON SIGN ON FOREGROUND. COULD BE RED LIGHT DISTRICT. PEDESTRIANS IN FRONT OF BUILDINGS.
still shot of cars driving on the street in new york city, 1987. - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:42Street with Traffic in New York City
seq. kremlin exteriors, troitskaya tower and kremlin arsenal, moscow; 1987 - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:10Seq. Kremlin exteriors, Troitskaya Tower and Kremlin Arsenal, Moscow; 1987
in an interview, singer madonna says: "i like to provoke people, but i don't think about the danger of it. and if there is a dangerous element,... - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:07Madonna says that she likes to be provocative
wide angle established new york city skyline from across river. world trade center in center, some clouds in sky, bird flies across shot. - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:06WIDE ANGLE ESTABLISHED NEW YORK CITY SKYLINE FROM ACROSS RIVER. WORLD TRADE CENTER IN CENTER, SOME CLOUDS IN SKY, BIRD FLIES ACROSS SHOT.
process plate rear pov of car driving in new york city. sides of street lined with tall buildings and parked cars. several cars on road behind car. yellow taxi directly behind camera for entire shot. - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:56PROCESS PLATE REAR POV OF CAR DRIVING IN NEW YORK CITY. SIDES OF STREET LINED WITH TALL BUILDINGS AND PARKED CARS. SEVERAL CARS ON ROAD BEHIND CAR. YELLOW TAXI DIRECTLY BEHIND CAMERA FOR ENTIRE SHOT.
. - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:32December 27, 1991 LA Pedestrians walking across the pavement in Red Square / Moscow, Russia
pan right to left to mansion, upper class house with parked out frony. red porsche or 280z. green rolls royce, black fiat. - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:39PAN RIGHT TO LEFT TO MANSION, UPPER CLASS HOUSE WITH PARKED OUT FRONY. RED PORSCHE OR 280Z. GREEN ROLLS ROYCE, BLACK FIAT.
june 12, 1987 ronald reagan speaking from behind lectern about the fall of berlin wall / berlin, germany / audio - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:12June 12, 1987 WS ZO ZI Ronald Reagan speaking from behind lectern about the fall of Berlin Wall / Berlin, Germany / AUDIO
crowds of people walking outside kremlin palace - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:13Crowds of People Walking Outside Kremlin Palace
reagan + gorbachev clap, shake hands + sign intermediate range nuclear forces treaty - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:121987 Reagan + Gorbachev clap, shake hands + sign Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty
prime minister margaret thatcher holds up three fingers outside no 10 downing street following third general election victory; 12 jun 87 - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:03Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher holds up three fingers outside No 10 Downing Street following third general election victory; 12 Jun 87
prime minister margaret thatcher tells party workers at conservative party hq - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:29Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher tells party workers at Conservative Party HQ
conservative party chairman norman tebbit gives prime minister margaret thatcher bouquet as she arrives at conservative party hq with third general... - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:20Conservative Party Chairman Norman Tebbit gives Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher bouquet as she arrives at Conservative Party HQ with third general election victory secure Smith Square London; 12 Jun 87
ms busy street at night / hollywood, california, united states - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:08MS Busy street at night / Hollywood, California, United States
mime artist helps woman to take photograph in new york; 1987 - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:14Mime artist helps woman to take photograph in New York; 1987
pan left across busy brighton beach boardwalk; 1987 - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:09Pan left across busy Brighton Beach boardwalk; 1987
establishing shot of the plaza hotels in 1980s. - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11New York City subways in the 1980s.
in an interview, singer madonna says: "you become a larger-than-life figure, and people want to know about you, and you have to expect a certain... - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:09Madonna talks about being approached by fans in the 1980s
in an interview, singer madonna says: "wow, you know. i have a big responsibility. look what i've done. you know?" - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:08Madonna says in an interview that she has a big responsibility to her fans
in an interview, singer madonna says: "certain people go to a lot of extremes. i know people hang out at the bottom of our driveway a lot, and... - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11Madonna talks about fans invading her privacy in a 1987 interview
. - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:27December 26, 1991 ZI Russian flag waving in wind at top of the Grand Kremlin Palace in Red Square / Moscow, Russia
. - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:22December 27, 1991 WS Pedestrians strolling Red Square outside the Kremlin / Moscow, Russia
. - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:24December 27, 1991 WS Pedestrians strolling Red Square outside the Kremlin / Moscow, Russia
aerial over downtown los angeles. pass high rise and skyscraper office buildings. lights. cities. - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:10AERIAL OVER DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES. PASS HIGH RISE AND SKYSCRAPER OFFICE BUILDINGS. LIGHTS. CITIES.
photographers rushing to get photos of madonna after her arrival at heathrow airport for british tour on august 13, 1987 / london, england/ audio - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:431987 MS PAN Photographers rushing to get photos of Madonna after her arrival at Heathrow Airport for British tour on August 13, 1987 / London, England/ AUDIO
madonna walking through heathrow airport surrounded by police and photographers after arriving for british tour on august 13, 1987 / london, england... - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:151987 MS PAN Madonna walking through Heathrow Airport surrounded by police and photographers after arriving for British tour on August 13, 1987 / London, England / AUDIO
terry lewis at the 1987 grammy awards nominations at the beverly hilton in beverly hills, california on september 20, 1987. - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:241987 Grammy Awards Nominations
david lynch at the 1987 academy awards at dorothy chandler pavilion in los angeles, california on march 30, 1987. - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:281987 Academy Awards
justine bateman at the 1987 emmy awards inside at the pasadena civic auditorium in pasadena, california on september 20, 1987. - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:311987 Emmy Awards Inside
wide shot of the kremlin and flowers - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:47Wide Shot of the Kremlin and Flowers
still shot of cars driving on the street in new york city, 1987. - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:38B-Roll of Street with Traffic in New York City 1987
seq. moscow skyline with moskva river, kremlin's vodovzvodnaya tower and ministry of foreign affairs, moscow, russia; 1987 - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:05Seq. Moscow skyline with Moskva river, Kremlin's Vodovzvodnaya Tower and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Moscow, Russia; 1987
crane down bare trees in sevenoaks after hurricane winds, uk; 1987 - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:15Crane down bare trees in Sevenoaks after hurricane winds, UK; 1987
pan high rise apartment blocks along westway road in london; 1987 - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:07Pan high rise apartment blocks along Westway road in London; 1987
pan neighbourhood block party on street in new york; 1987 - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:07Pan neighbourhood block party on street in New York; 1987
in an interview, singer madonna says: "i draw the line when i get to my house, and i go up my driveway, and that's where the line is. wherever i... - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:18Madonna talks about drawing a line between her personal and public lives
aerial of los angeles city skyline at night. pov flies around downtown high rises. see freeways with traffic below. - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:30AERIAL OF LOS ANGELES CITY SKYLINE AT NIGHT. POV FLIES AROUND DOWNTOWN HIGH RISES. SEE FREEWAYS WITH TRAFFIC BELOW.
pan left to right of yellow sports car, possibly camaro, crossing palm tree lined city street intersection. see cars parked on one side of street. see beverly hills hotel at frame left, dense green foliage at frame right. see cars pass from frame left to - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:14PAN LEFT TO RIGHT OF YELLOW SPORTS CAR, POSSIBLY CAMARO, CROSSING PALM TREE LINED CITY STREET INTERSECTION. SEE CARS PARKED ON ONE SIDE OF STREET. SEE BEVERLY HILLS HOTEL AT FRAME LEFT, DENSE GREEN FOLIAGE AT FRAME RIGHT. SEE CARS PASS FROM FRAME LEFT TO
wide angle of a middle class, two story stucco apartment building, condominium or townhouse with red tile roof. cars parked in front of building. red bronco also parked in fg. matching nx 1319-g. - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:14WIDE ANGLE OF A MIDDLE CLASS, TWO STORY STUCCO APARTMENT BUILDING, CONDOMINIUM OR TOWNHOUSE WITH RED TILE ROOF. CARS PARKED IN FRONT OF BUILDING. RED BRONCO ALSO PARKED IN FG. MATCHING NX 1319-G.
tracking shot medium angle of front of van speeding through streets of rome. ford car driving behind van. cars and motorcycles parked on side of road. cities. - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:23TRACKING SHOT MEDIUM ANGLE OF FRONT OF VAN SPEEDING THROUGH STREETS OF ROME. FORD CAR DRIVING BEHIND VAN. CARS AND MOTORCYCLES PARKED ON SIDE OF ROAD. CITIES.
crowds of christmas shoppers at rockefeller center - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:20Crowds of Christmas Shoppers at Rockefeller Center
model in yellow leather outfit and black skirt looking into mirror - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:23Model in Yellow Leather Outfit and Black Skirt Looking into Mirror
jimmy jam at the 1987 grammy awards at the shrine auditorium in los angeles, california on february 24, 1987. - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage03:471987 Grammy Awards
jimmy jam at the 1987 grammy awards nominations at the beverly hilton in beverly hills, california on september 20, 1987. - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:241987 Grammy Awards Nominations
bruce hornsby at the grammy awards party by rca at an expensive, crowded restaurant on september 20, 1987. - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:21Grammy Awards Party by RCA
tom hanks at the 1987 academy awards at dorothy chandler pavilion in los angeles, california on march 30, 1987. - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:241987 Academy Awards
christopher reeve at the 1987 academy awards at dorothy chandler pavilion in los angeles, california on march 30, 1987. - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:171987 Academy Awards
helena bonham carter at the 1987 academy awards at dorothy chandler pavilion in los angeles, california on march 30, 1987. - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage03:491987 Academy Awards
paul reiser at the beverly hills cop ii premiere at grauman's chinese theatre in hollywood, california on may 19, 1987. - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:50Beverly Hills Cop II Premiere
1987 wide shot tracking shot man and woman riding tandem bicycle against verdant background - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:081987 wide shot tracking shot man and woman riding tandem bicycle against verdant background
wide shot of the moscow kremlin - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:14Wide Shot of the Moscow Kremlin
view of a boat on a river in soviet era moscow - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:37View of a Boat on a River in Soviet Era Moscow
still shot of cars driving on the street in new york city, 1987. - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:20Cars Driving on Broadway in Lower Manhattan in New York City
static shot of cars driving toward low angle camera on the street in new york city, 1987. - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:48Low Angle of Broadway at West 4th Street with Traffic in New York City
- 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:10Prince Harry in Pony Club jumper looks bored standing in between two adults Cirencester Polo; 13 Jul 91
- 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:19Prince Harry (wearing pony club jumper) walks across lawn at polo event then breaks into run Cirencester; 13 Jul 91
- 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:08Prince Charles chats to blonde woman at polo event Cirencester; 13 Jul 91
narrow boat in grand union canal goes under bridge and towards trellick tower - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:08Narrow boat in Grand Union Canal goes under bridge and towards Trellick Tower
tilt up over grey rippling water to statue of liberty in distance - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:06Tilt up over grey rippling water to Statue of Liberty in distance
seq. cu kremlin cathedral golden domes, verkhospassky cathedral, moscow; 1987 - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:04Seq. CU Kremlin cathedral golden domes, Verkhospassky Cathedral, Moscow; 1987
ws bolshoi ballet theatre, moscow; 1987 - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:03WS Bolshoi Ballet Theatre, Moscow; 1987
ws people walking in arbat street, moscow; 1987 - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:03WS people walking in Arbat Street, Moscow; 1987
medium angle of subway arriving at train station. subway passes to right and slows down. see passengers in lit interior of subway - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:07MEDIUM ANGLE OF SUBWAY ARRIVING AT TRAIN STATION. SUBWAY PASSES TO RIGHT AND SLOWS DOWN. SEE PASSENGERS IN LIT INTERIOR OF SUBWAY
president ronald reagan giving a speech at the berlin wall in front of the brandenburg gate on june 12, 1987 in berlin, germany. during his speech he... - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:47President Ronald Reagan Challenges Mikhail Gorbachev To Tear Down The Berlin Wall
ms pan traffic flowing on busy street at night / hollywood, california, united states - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:25MS PAN Traffic flowing on busy street at night / Hollywood, California, United States
ms pan two football team playing rugby game on field - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:10MS PAN Two football team playing rugby game on field
ms pan two girls in bikini walking on sand of beach - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:23MS PAN Two girls in bikini walking on sand of beach
crowds enjoying washington square park in new york city; 1987 - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:21Crowds enjoying Washington Square Park in New York City; 1987
young men and women walk in sunny washington square park; 1987 - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:12Young men and women walk in sunny Washington Square Park; 1987
people riding on a new york city subway train. - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:111980s NYC Subway
medium angle of sports cars parked in upper class driveway. lamborghini and rolls royce. red gmc jimmy suv or truck pulls into driveway. two men exit and approach front door to house. art or sculpture and trees. - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:30MEDIUM ANGLE OF SPORTS CARS PARKED IN UPPER CLASS DRIVEWAY. LAMBORGHINI AND ROLLS ROYCE. RED GMC JIMMY SUV OR TRUCK PULLS INTO DRIVEWAY. TWO MEN EXIT AND APPROACH FRONT DOOR TO HOUSE. ART OR SCULPTURE AND TREES.
up angle of football scoreboard. time clock starts at 20 seconds and counts down to 0. score reads "home 28" and "visitor 7". could be for high school football game. - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:32UP ANGLE OF FOOTBALL SCOREBOARD. TIME CLOCK STARTS AT 20 SECONDS AND COUNTS DOWN TO 0. SCORE READS "HOME 28" AND "VISITOR 7". COULD BE FOR HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL GAME.
aerial over los angeles freeways or highways. see skyline. - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:26AERIAL OVER LOS ANGELES FREEWAYS OR HIGHWAYS. SEE SKYLINE.
est beach area with boardwalk. people. - 1987 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:04EST BEACH AREA WITH BOARDWALK. PEOPLE.