terry lewis at the 1987 grammy awards nominations at the beverly hilton in beverly hills, california on september 20, 1987. - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:241987 Grammy Awards Nominations
justine bateman at the 1987 emmy awards inside at the pasadena civic auditorium in pasadena, california on september 20, 1987. - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:311987 Emmy Awards Inside
jimmy jam at the 1987 grammy awards nominations at the beverly hilton in beverly hills, california on september 20, 1987. - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:241987 Grammy Awards Nominations
bruce hornsby at the grammy awards party by rca at an expensive, crowded restaurant on september 20, 1987. - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:21Grammy Awards Party by RCA
up angle of football scoreboard. time clock starts at 20 seconds and counts down to 0. score reads "home 28" and "visitor 7". could be for high school football game. - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:32UP ANGLE OF FOOTBALL SCOREBOARD. TIME CLOCK STARTS AT 20 SECONDS AND COUNTS DOWN TO 0. SCORE READS "HOME 28" AND "VISITOR 7". COULD BE FOR HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL GAME.
ivan boesky sentenced to three years in prison; int 2-shot cms john olson talking 2-shot cms john olson intvw sof "one of the commentators --... - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:40Ivan Boesky sentenced to three years in prison
young woman using a smart phone - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:14Young woman using a smart phone
30th anniversary approaches; as201187019 / tx university college hospital: int pc stephen hanson lying in bed with hands in special slings end lib - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11King's Cross fire: 30th anniversary approaches
30th anniversary approaches; : england: london: king's cross station: ext / night kings cross fire: firefighters outside king's cross station smoke... - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:37King's Cross fire: 30th anniversary approaches
remnants of hurricane ophelia heads towards the uk and ireland; via as211087027 / kent: near sevenoaks: int car fallen trees along roadside track - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:03Remnants of Hurricane Ophelia heads towards the UK and Ireland
paedophile ring' allegations: harvey proctor interview; lib / tx 20.5.1987 london: ext harvey proctor mp away from court proctor along street with... - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:07'VIP paedophile ring' allegations: Harvey Proctor interview
file dec 1966 portsea b&w overlay of search for missing prime minister harold holt - see searchers on shore and rocks - surf and waves - frogmen in... - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:33Harold Holt Disappearance 20th Anniversary
former conservative mp harvey proctor denies child murder claims; england: london: gir: int harvey proctor studio interview sot - i got angry and fed... - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage08:37Former Conservative MP Harvey Proctor denies child murder claims
interior shots of a bronze statue of the queen's riding horse, burmese, on display in the state rooms of buckingham palace as part of the royal gifts... - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:58An exhibition of over 200 gifts presented to the Queen goes on display at Buckingham Palace
kleinwort benson; england: city of london: kleinwort benson tcms side dealer on phone as talking to another pull out dealers at work side dealers at... - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:04UK Share price fall: Kleinwort Benson
superconductors could lead to scientific breakthroughs; city of london **whatmore interview overlaid sot** various side view dealers seated at vdu's... - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:09Superconductors could lead to scientific breakthroughs
labour; kinnocks on stage with gospel chorus & actresses glenda jackson, miriam karlin & anna wing singing "we shall overcome" sof zoom in cms... - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:39Genelec: Labour
wall street; ext usa: new york: wall st tgv yellow cabs towards along wall street traders towards along pavement new york post' with headline 'crash'... - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:46Share prices fall: Wall Street
leaked conservative education document; d) naf tx 1.4.1987 england: london: polytechnic of central london: int male student at lecture pull out more... - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:13Leaked Conservative education document
terry anderson hostage video released; tx usa: washington: us president ronald reagan speaking at podium sot tx san francisco: ext **reagan speaking... - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:13Terry Anderson hostage video released
arms talks; d) ext ussr track forward state cars away along ) ulm938 moscow road towards kremlin in b/g - seen ) 20.1.86 thru windscreen of car ) itn - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:20Politics: Arms Talks
harvey proctor court hearing; england london bow st magistrates court tory mp for billericay harvey proctor surrounded by press arriving at court... - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:51Harvey Proctor court hearing
terry anderson hostage video released; tx usa: washington ronald reagan speaking at podium tx san francisco: ext george h.w. bush and wife barbara... - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:08Terry Anderson hostage video released
queen briefed on aids; england: london: royal college of pathologists: queen being briefed on disease by pathologists duke of edinburgh listening to... - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:21Queen briefed on AIDS
hungerford appeal/funeral; england: berkshire: hungerford ext town hall as banner reads 'hungerford tragedy fund office please give generously'... - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:29Hungerford appeal/funeral
'yuppy' reaction; england: city of london: pavillion restaurant dealer? closing door of porsche int champagne being poured into glass pull out... - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:15UK Share prices fall: 'Yuppy' reaction
hungerford shootings victims; england: wiltshire: swindon: lms raf heli landing r-l heli touchdown lms son of woman seriously injured in shootings... - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:28Hungerford shootings victims
party leaders seek photo opportunities; r 22.5.1987 south wales: valleys: ext **please note: there is no reporter voiceover on this report** long... - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:24General election: Party leaders seek photo opportunities
insider dealing; morgan glenfell ext no 20 above entrance to building, pull out - two men in - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:07Business: Insider Dealing
trade figures; england a/v city of london office blocks ) r.20.10.86 city of track ) itn: london l-r ) - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:12Business: Trade Figures
polls; england: london: itn cms david cowling intvwd sof - the swing towards labour from 1987 is around 5% which would lead to a hung parliament, and... - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:26General Election: Polls
king's cross tube fire; tx 20.11.87 underground kings cross bv firemen descending burnt-out escalator cms burnt section of tunnel roof - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11King's Cross Tube fire
arms talks; ext ussr flag on top of kremlin as birds ) ulm938 flying about pull out building ) 20.1.86 ) itn - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:09Politics: Arms Talks
king's cross tube fire; ext
baker street: lrt hq: plaque 'london transport' baker street offices
front entrance doors pull out r-l front exterior... - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:43King's Cross Tube fire
appeal court rules on publication of extracts from 'spycatcher' book; london: city road: ext plaque on wall 'the independent' int men working at... - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:44Appeal Court rules on publication of extracts from 'Spycatcher' book
michael ryan funeral; england: berks: reading: crematorium: ext hearse zoom in coffin of michael ryan eased out then pallbearers rest coffin on... - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:36Michael Ryan funeral
king's cross tube fire: investigation; tx 20.11.87 int bv fireman down burnt-out escalator zoom in tcms top escalator no 4 tilt up ceiling & gaps... - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:23King's Cross Tube fire: Investigation
john fleming freed; tx:7.7.86 itn sunny spain: costa blanca john fleming with bottle of bear in hand l-r l-r as out into pool area to bv cms john... - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:39John Fleming freed
trade figures; a) england a/v city of london office blocks ) r.20.10.86 city of track ) itn: london l-r ) north sea a/s two oil rigs as chimneys burn... - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:24Business: Trade Figures
john fleming freed; ext horseferry road: magistrates court cms vernon mann i/c sof "after all that -- & the taxman" ext west wickham cms lesley... - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:53John Fleming freed
john fleming freed; tx:7.7.86 itn sunny spain: costa blanca john fleming with bottle of bear in hand l-r l-r as out into pool area to bv ext cms john... - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:02John Fleming freed
look back to the hurricane of 1987; ltn lib england: dorset: bournemouth: ext dawn car along road and crashes into fallen tree ???: day air views... - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:46Look back to the hurricane of 1987
courtroom killing; cms side policeman pull out at road block talks to motorist & checks documents video ex eng/brt lib via brt / tx:1.4.87/naf /... - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:13Courtroom killing
extra second added to 1987 to counter the earth's erratic rotation; ulm1067 westminster: ext av big ben as tree & statue in f/g - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:01Extra second added to 1987 to counter the Earth's erratic rotation
monster raving loony party; ext
devon cms sutch intvw sof "we going -- afternoons"

ashburton: golden lion hotel: party hq: street r-l ext... - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:48Monster Raving Loony Party
reaction; washington congressman william gray speaking at podium cms congressman william gray spkg at pkf sof "blame because -- our deficit" ext... - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:43Share prices fall: Reaction
john fleming freed; tx:26.11.83 itn: england: lap: police making road check in middle of road tx:7.7.86 itn: spain: costa blanca sunny john fleming... - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:29John Fleming freed
john fleming freed; itn lib sunny spain: costa blanca john fleming with bottle of beer in hand l-r l-r as out into pool area to bv ext cms john... - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:02John Fleming freed
john fleming freed; itn ext horseferry road: magistrates court cms vernon mann i/c sof "after all that -- & the taxman" ext west wickham cms lesley... - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:53John Fleming freed
king's cross tube fire: fire brigade report; tx 20.11.87 king's cross: tbv fireman away down burnt out escalator zoom in - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:07King's Cross tube fire: Fire brigade report
new aids ward/ princess of wales; cms professor michael adler intvw sof: "it will be very -- better for the patient" video ex eng/lib tx 9.4.87/c4n... - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:23New AIDS ward/ Princess of Wales
childrens seat belts; london: westminster cms stephen day walking towards and past l-r cms stephen day intvw sof: "i would think that -- behind it"... - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:04Childrens seat belts
plastic soccer pitches; london fa hq cms mark austin i/c sof: "the decision -- to be scrapped" cas ex eng/lib 1.14mins tx:10.3.87/nat mix/fx archive... - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:13Plastic soccer pitches
eurotunnel chairman; tx:19.2.87 french surveyor at work 

video ex eng/lib
archive tape 26546 87/c4n/x30827 32.20 to 35.42 - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:14Eurotunnel chairman
share prices; lib october 1987 computer screen showing falling share prices marked in red dealers speaking on telephones dealer shouting - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:12Share prices
joan collins at the 1987 emmy awards with stuart pankin at the pasadena civic auditorium in pasadena, california on september 20, 1987. - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:521987 Emmy Awards with Stuart Pankin
tom selleck at the 1987 emmy awards with stuart pankin at the pasadena civic auditorium in pasadena, california on september 20, 1987. - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:531987 Emmy Awards with Stuart Pankin
mira sorvino at the 1987 emmy awards with stuart pankin at the pasadena civic auditorium in pasadena, california on september 20, 1987. - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:481987 Emmy Awards with Stuart Pankin
james woods at the 1987 emmy awards with stuart pankin at the pasadena civic auditorium in pasadena, california on september 20, 1987. - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:321987 Emmy Awards with Stuart Pankin
bob newhart at the 1987 emmy awards with stuart pankin at the pasadena civic auditorium in pasadena, california on september 20, 1987. - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:451987 Emmy Awards with Stuart Pankin
paul sorvino at the 1987 emmy awards with stuart pankin at the pasadena civic auditorium in pasadena, california on september 20, 1987. - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:481987 Emmy Awards with Stuart Pankin
steven bishop at the stefanino's party at stafanino's, sunset in west hollywood, california on september 20, 1987. - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:09Stefanino's Party
sly richardson at the stefanino's party at stafanino's, sunset in west hollywood, california on september 20, 1987. - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:48Stefanino's Party
jane withers at the stefanino's party at stafanino's, sunset in west hollywood, california on september 20, 1987. - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage10:17Stefanino's Party
herbie hancock at the 1987 grammy awards nominations at the beverly hilton in beverly hills, california on september 20, 1987. - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:521987 Grammy Awards Nominations
kim carnes at the 1987 grammy awards nominations at the beverly hilton in beverly hills, california on september 20, 1987. - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:001987 Grammy Awards Nominations
james ingram at the 1987 grammy awards nominations at the beverly hilton in beverly hills, california on september 20, 1987. - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:461987 Grammy Awards Nominations
bob barker at the grammy awards party by rca at an expensive, crowded restaurant on september 20, 1987. - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:53Grammy Awards Party by RCA
grace slick at the grammy awards party by rca at an expensive, crowded restaurant on september 20, 1987. - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage03:32Grammy Awards Party by RCA
mary tyler moore at the 1987 emmy awards with stuart pankin at the pasadena civic auditorium in pasadena, california on september 20, 1987. - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:181987 Emmy Awards with Stuart Pankin
billy crystal at the 1987 emmy awards with stuart pankin at the pasadena civic auditorium in pasadena, california on september 20, 1987. - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:221987 Emmy Awards with Stuart Pankin
billy crystal at the 1987 emmy awards with stuart pankin at the pasadena civic auditorium in pasadena, california on september 20, 1987. - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:531987 Emmy Awards with Stuart Pankin
brandon tartikoff at the 1987 emmy awards with stuart pankin at the pasadena civic auditorium in pasadena, california on september 20, 1987. - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:021987 Emmy Awards with Stuart Pankin
howie mandel at the 1987 emmy awards with stuart pankin at the pasadena civic auditorium in pasadena, california on september 20, 1987. - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:181987 Emmy Awards with Stuart Pankin
james garner at the 1987 emmy awards with stuart pankin at the pasadena civic auditorium in pasadena, california on september 20, 1987. - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:091987 Emmy Awards with Stuart Pankin
tom selleck at the 1987 emmy awards inside at the pasadena civic auditorium in pasadena, california on september 20, 1987. - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:101987 Emmy Awards Inside
david letterman at the 1987 emmy awards inside at the pasadena civic auditorium in pasadena, california on september 20, 1987. - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:351987 Emmy Awards Inside
gena rowlands at the 1987 emmy awards inside at the pasadena civic auditorium in pasadena, california on september 20, 1987. - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage04:591987 Emmy Awards Inside
grant tinker at the 1987 emmy awards inside at the pasadena civic auditorium in pasadena, california on september 20, 1987. - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage04:031987 Emmy Awards Inside
raquel welch at the 1987 emmy awards inside at the pasadena civic auditorium in pasadena, california on september 20, 1987. - 1987 20 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:221987 Emmy Awards Inside