title card, "fliers span pacific! wenatchee, wash. - man's longest ocean hop! pangborn and herndon fly from japan on first non-stop pacific flight" /... - vintage style washington state map stock videos & royalty-free footage01:15Clyde Pangborn and Hugh Herndon are first to fly from Japan to the West Coast
animated map showing manchuria with a knife stabbing it / japanese soldiers carrying japanese flag / smoke and explosions on battlefield / japanese... - vintage style washington state map stock videos & royalty-free footage00:37Japan Invades Manchuria
address of pacific report over images of navy guns firing / fdr meeting with general douglas macarthur / fdr meeting with advisors / a map is shown... - vintage style washington state map stock videos & royalty-free footage01:06FDR Pacific Report Address At Puget Sound Naval Base, Gives Future Pacific War Plans Pt 3
washington dc state department, a room full of reporters hear news that japan has attacked pearl harbor / different reporters writing, typing, on... - vintage style washington state map stock videos & royalty-free footage00:57State Department, Reporters React To Pearl Harbor News
close up on antique us map: washington and idaho - vintage style washington state map stock videos & royalty-free footage00:20Close up on antique US map: Washington and Idaho
local farm store on bainbridge island, washington state, held a 'turkey parade' for thanksgiving, on wednesday, november 22.... - vintage style washington state map stock videos & royalty-free footage01:21Thanksgiving Turkey Parade 'a Huge Hit'
the aging of lakes - part 19 of 23. after introducing geological and ecological factors of normal "aging" of lakes, the film zeroes in on how man is speeding up this natural process - showing examples of indiscriminate disposal of fertilizers, sewage, and - vintage style washington state map stock videos & royalty-free footage00:30The Aging of Lakes - part 19 of 23. After introducing geological and ecological factors of normal "aging" of lakes, the film zeroes in on how man is speeding up this natural process - showing examples of indiscriminate disposal of fertilizers, sewage, and
the aging of lakes - part 18 of 23. after introducing geological and ecological factors of normal "aging" of lakes, the film zeroes in on how man is speeding up this natural process - showing examples of indiscriminate disposal of fertilizers, sewage, and - vintage style washington state map stock videos & royalty-free footage00:30The Aging of Lakes - part 18 of 23. After introducing geological and ecological factors of normal "aging" of lakes, the film zeroes in on how man is speeding up this natural process - showing examples of indiscriminate disposal of fertilizers, sewage, and