video footage taken in kure, hiroshima prefecture, shows local residents arriving at the maritime self-defense force's kure naval base and lining up... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage00:36SDF naval base in Kure offers baths, laundry facilities to residents cut off by landslides after torrential rains
six bombs rocked baghdad killing at least 35 people tuesday, the second time the capital has come under attack in three days, fuelling fears... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage00:49CLEAN:35 killed as six bombs rock Baghdad
three suicide car bombs targeting regional and european embassies rocked baghdad on sunday, killing 30 people in a surge of violence as iraqis... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage01:17CLEAN:Triple blasts target Baghdad embassies, killing 30
now, imagine an england where the beer is flat. a scotland where the irn bru has no fizz. there's a shortage of co2 gas which means brewers and soft... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage02:37Beer supplies threatened by shortage of CO2
canadian soldiers on leave waiting for train on station platform / woman volunteer walking with officers on platform next to train / woman volunteer... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage01:17Women volunteers doing various jobs in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada during World War II
four close shots of former pres. harry truman in middle of crowd speaking into microphones, his wife bess standing next to him / three shots of... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage01:38Harry Truman speaks to train station crowd as he gets on train to leave Washington, DC
head coach fatih terim of galatasaray holds a press conference after turkish super lig soccer match against besiktas at turk telekom stadium in... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage04:11Football: Galatasaray crush Besiktas title hopes
head coach senol gunes of besiktas holds a press conference after turkish super lig soccer match against galatasaray at turk telekom stadium in... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage01:05Football: Galatasaray crush Besiktas title hopes
turkish newspaper cumhuriyet's ceo akin atalay seen after he got released from jail on april 25, 2018 in istanbul. an istanbul court on wednesday... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage05:19Turkey: Newspaper staffer held in terror charges released from jail
young girl rescued by turkish soldiers from the debris of a ypg/pkk terrorist bomb attack in afrin, syria is busy making her recovery in southern... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage04:57Syrian girl saved from debris by Turkish army healing
at least four people, including soldiers were killed and five others wounded in a suicide car bomb attack targeting a security checkpoint near the... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage00:55Suicide blast kills 4 near parliament in Somali capital
assistant chief constable of avon and somerset police, caroline peters, gives a statement following the sentencing of reeco fernandez to three years... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage03:50Police statement as bin man jailed for stockpiling explosives
japan -march 19: the refurbished interior of the tower of the sun, a major artwork by the late taro okamoto, was opened to the public monday at an... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage02:58Inside of Taro Okamoto's Tower of Sun, symbol of 1970 expo, unveiled
people began voting on march 21, 2018 to elect the municipal councils in the netherlands for the next four began at 7.30 a.m. local time... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage01:29Netherlands: Voting begins in local elections
civilians in northwestern syria's afrin said sunday that ypg/pkk terrorists had fled the town center several days before turkey-backed troops took... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage02:42Terrorists left Afrin amid Turkey operation: locals
suicide car bombing in the afghan capital kabul on saturday killed at least four people, an official confirmed. nusrat rahimi, deputy spokesman for... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage01:56Suicide car bombing kills 3 civilians in Afghan capital
syrian family of four injured in a ypg/pkk terrorist attack near jinderes town in syria’s afrin were brought back to their village in the region... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage01:27Injured Syrian family reunites with relatives in Afrin
women who were illegally held in the assad regime’s prisons in syria, where they were subjected to torture and rape, told anadolu agency about their... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage06:21Female survivors of Assad's prisons speak out
women who were illegally held in the assad regime’s prisons in syria, where they were subjected to torture and rape, told anadolu agency about their... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage06:18Female survivors of Assad's prisons speak out
women who were illegally held in the assad regime’s prisons in syria, where they were subjected to torture and rape, told anadolu agency about their... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage05:10Female survivors of Assad's prisons speak out
male dugong and golden trevally (gnathanodon speciosus) feeding on seagrass beds in red sea - marsa alam - egypt - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11Male Dugong and Golden trevally (Gnathanodon speciosus) feeding on seagrass beds in Red Sea - Marsa Alam - Egypt
male dugong and golden trevally (gnathanodon speciosus) feeding on seagrass beds in red sea - marsa alam - egypt - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage00:17Male Dugong and Golden trevally (Gnathanodon speciosus) feeding on seagrass beds in Red Sea - Marsa Alam - Egypt
male dugong and golden trevally (gnathanodon speciosus) feeding on seagrass beds in red sea - marsa alam - egypt - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage00:13Male Dugong and Golden trevally (Gnathanodon speciosus) feeding on seagrass beds in Red Sea - Marsa Alam - Egypt
turkish defense company, best grup, is set to export its military vehicle's remote control systems to the u.s. and the uae in the near future, an... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage02:54Turkey to export military vehicle remote control system
turkish defense company, best grup, is set to export its military vehicle's remote control systems to the u.s. and the uae in the near future, an... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage05:13Turkey to export military vehicle remote control system
various of weather satellite "fengyun-3d" 2. various of long march-4c rocket 3. various of rocket, satellite being transported to launch site 4.... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage01:54CHINA'S NEW METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE MONITORS GLOBAL CARBON EMISSIONS
new four-party coalition government won a vote of confidence in the turkish cypriot parliament on february 15, 2018 the new turkish republic of... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage02:55Turkish Cypriot coalition govt wins vote of confidence
players in uniforms lined up on field in offensive formation against defensive formation / players lined up in formation / pan across close ups of... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage02:09Members of "Look" magazine All-American college football team lining up for photo opportunities in NY City
an iraqi turkmen front officer and his family got injured in an armed attack on late tuesday in kirkuk city, according to security sources. “kirkuk’s... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage03:38Iraqi Turkmen Front officer attacked in Kirkuk
title in italian superimposed over map showing route of flight sponsored by italian newspaper "corriere della sera" / title in italian superimposed... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage02:25Cinematographer Mario Fioretti and pilot Maner Lualdi visiting Calcutta on flight from Italy to Australia sponsored by Italian newspaper
in india, a man in face paint with needles through mouth sits crossed legged ringing a bell as four men perform head stands in front of crowd - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage00:06In India, a man in face paint with needles through mouth sits crossed legged ringing a bell as four men perform head stands in front of crowd
hand held series of four story apartment building and street corner or intersection. camera zooms in and out many times showing bar or restaurant "palace cafe" with neon signs for "budweiser" and "bud light". - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage01:31HAND HELD SERIES OF FOUR STORY APARTMENT BUILDING AND STREET CORNER OR INTERSECTION. CAMERA ZOOMS IN AND OUT MANY TIMES SHOWING BAR OR RESTAURANT "PALACE CAFE" WITH NEON SIGNS FOR "BUDWEISER" AND "BUD LIGHT".
"sensational tennis marks finals for davis cup" / several action shots of game in stade roland-garros between french doubles team of jacques brugnon... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage01:55Finals of 1933 Davis Cup (formerly International Lawn Tennis Challenge) in Paris
"the latest fashions from paris!" / two shots of women wearing latest fashions riding on horse-drawn coach rolling down street / two women displaying... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage01:22Women displaying latest fashions at racecourse in Paris
video footage taken on january 27 japan, in nishiwaga, iwate prefecture, shows winter warriors battling each other at the 2018 hotto yuda... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage00:38Snowball Teams Gather In Iwate Prefecture For 2018 Kitanihon-Yukigassen Tournament
mehmet gulluoglu, the head of turkey's disaster and emergency management authority , and ibrahim altan, head of the turkish red crescent society,... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage04:13Turkey ready to set up tent cities for Afrin Syrians
four rockets, fired by pyd/pkk terrorists in syria, hit turkey’s border province of hatay on friday as operation olive branch targeting the pyd/pkk... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage00:22Turkey: PYD/PKK rocket targets civilians
fleeing fierce clashes between terror groups daesh and pyd/pkk in the syrian town of kobani nearly four years ago, syrian kurdish refugees are afraid... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage05:58Syrian Kurds fear returning home due to PYD/PKK threat
conservative party conference: theresa may speech; england: birmingham: ext theresa may mp towards across walkaway to conservative party conference... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage03:52Conservative Party conference: Theresa May speech
dean acheson, undersecretary of us department of state, standing on right next to henry morgenthau, jr, former us secretary of treasury, shakes his... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage01:23Dean Acheson introduces Henry Morgenthau, Jr, at signing ceremony in Washington, DC, creating World Bank and International Monetary Fund
construction workers in panama city - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage00:12Construction Workers in Panama City
music as four men turn and open the torah ark, reach inside, and remove three torah scrolls; sot rabbi speaks, telling of the purpose of the torah;... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage02:58Religious service in a synagogue
davraz ski resort, a center of winter tourism in turkey's western mediterranean province of isparta, offers a mesmerizing skiing experience with a... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage04:56An outstanding winter tourism offer: Davraz
turkish presidential spokesman ibrahim kalin holds press conference at presidential complex in ankara, turkey on january 04, 2018. turkey's... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage03:15US verdict on Turkish banker 'scandalous': Erdogan aide
turkey’s famed uludag ski center in the northwest part of the country has been attracting winter lovers for the last 50 years. once a favorite set... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage03:23Turkey’s skiing resort: Uludag
new york representative nita lowey criticizes a third fiscal 2018 continuing resolution as an epic failure of governing three months into the fiscal... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage01:58Congresswoman Lowey opposes four week continuing resolution
four palestinian residents of jerusalem were injured on december 13, 2017 when israeli police dispersed a protest in the city’s bab al-amoud area... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage04:04Four Palestinians injured amid E. Jerusalem protests
'rocky balboa' premiere: red carpet interviews; stallone along as chats with joe calzaghe joe calzaghe interview sot - rocky has always been an icon... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage02:05'Rocky Balboa' premiere: red carpet interviews
three female models in formal dresses among pedestals bearing potted plants / mcu woman in black lace dress pours beverage into glass from pitcher,... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage00:35Fashion models drink beverages and pose among potted plants
catalonia's sacked vice president oriol junqueras and three other separatist leaders including jordi sanchez and jordi cuixart will remain in prison... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage01:26CLEAN : FILE:Judge refuses to free four Catalan leaders
tracking shot of three camouflage f-16 fighter jets flying. see nose of fourth jet as it approaches. see all four in a v formation. - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage00:25TRACKING SHOT OF THREE CAMOUFLAGE F-16 FIGHTER JETS FLYING. SEE NOSE OF FOURTH JET AS IT APPROACHES. SEE ALL FOUR IN A V FORMATION.
"christmas in the canal zone" superimposed over man dressed as santa claus handing out presents / vs ship coming through canal / two british patrol... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage02:58British military patrolling Suez Canal zone in Egypt at Christmas time in 1950s
barge being lowered by pulley mechanism into tank / indistinct shot / man walking down steps from barge as barge is lifted by pulley mechanism /... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage02:07Just-built landing barge being lowered into water tank for testing in factory in Warren, OH, during World War II
three robed men open doors to the torah ark with four elaborate scrolls and remove them as one finial falls off and the men repeat actions / note:... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage00:49Doors of Torah ark opened during synagogue service in early 1950s
at least three people were shot dead thursday in clashes over kenya's election re run prompting officials to delay the vote in four counties as the... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage02:06CLEAN : 3 killed in Kenya as protests prompt partial vote delay
footage from the arias 2017 at the leeds arena. includes interviews with busted, edith bowman, robbie savage and tina daheley. savage talks about the... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage05:16Industry celebrates the best of radio
members of national police reserve moving through forest, ground covered in snow / member of reserve moving ahead / four shots of members of reserve... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage01:38Members of Japan's National Police Reserve undergoing combat training on island of Hokkaido in Japan during Korean War
members of national police reserve marching in formation through snow / three shots of members of reserve running in formation through snow / officer... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage01:41Members of Japan's National Police Reserve marching through snow while training for combat on island of Hokkaido in Japan during Korean War
four moldovan nationals were killed and three french soldiers hurt when a transport plane chartered by france's army crashed off ivory coast... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage01:18CLEAN : 4 die as French army chartered plane crashes off I.Coast (3)
turkish court late friday remanded into custody four suspects out of seven who were detained as a result of wednesday's explosion at the tupras... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage01:08Turkey: 4 remanded into custody over refinery explosion
the turkish army chief along with a military delegation visited a post in southern turkey near the syrian border on october 13, 2017 where he also... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage01:32Turkish army chief inspects troops near Syrian border
footage of turkish armed forces shows turkish military vehicles are deployed at ogulpinar station on the syrian border in reyhanli district of hatay... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage02:07Turkish military vehicles deployed on Syrian border
turkish military vehicles are deployed on the syrian border in reyhanli district of hatay province, southern turkey on october 13, 2017. turkish... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage02:12Main force of Turkish troops enter Syria's Idlib
turkish military vehicles are deployed on the syrian border in reyhanli district of hatay province, southern turkey on october 13, 2017. turkish... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage01:14Main force of Turkish troops enter Syria's Idlib
grandfather alaaddin akcadag of 8 year-old damla and 6 year-old emir aksu who were killed in a blaze that broke out in a social housing block in the... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage04:00Interview with relatives of Turks died at apartment fire in France
video footage taken in onomichi, hiroshima prefecture, shows the guntu, which will make its maiden voyage on october 17 japan, as a luxurious... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage01:11Luxurious ‘inn’ to Cruise Waters Of Seto Inland Sea
shot from behind three photographers standing on golden gate bridge as they take pictures of aircraft carrier uss independence and escort ships... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage01:38US aircraft carrier "Independence," heavily damaged in atomic bomb tests, sails out of San Francisco harbor
joe falcaro rolls a strike / falcaro talking to camera / falcaro knocks down three widely spaced pins / shot from in front of falcaro as he rolls... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage01:14Champion bowler Joe Falcaro demonstrates trick bowling shots in Flushing, Queens, NY City
palestinian president mahmoud abbas holds a joint press conference with his turkish counterpart recep tayyip erdogan after their meeting at... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage05:50Erdogan: Israel should end actions which undermine two-state solution
norman cook - aka fatboy slim - told his son "i'm sorry i ever doubted you" as the 16-year-old celebrated getting his gcse results. woody cook... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage01:38Fatboy Slim and Zoe Ball celebrate son's GCSE results
an 83 year old man died after falling into the sea as typhoon hato smashed into hong kong and neighbouring gambling hub macau where it also left... - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage01:34CLEAN : Four dead as typhoon smashes into Macau and Hong Kong
water cascading a rock face in the fukuroda falls, ibaraki, japan - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage00:28Water cascading a rock face in the Fukuroda Falls, Ibaraki, Japan
long shot of the fukuroda falls and trees in autumn foliage, ibaraki, japan - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage00:21Long shot of the Fukuroda Falls and trees in autumn foliage, Ibaraki, Japan
long shot of the fukuroda falls and trees in autumn foliage, ibaraki, japan - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage00:19Long shot of the Fukuroda Falls and trees in autumn foliage, Ibaraki, Japan
long shot of the fukuroda falls and trees in autumn foliage,ibaraki,japan - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage00:19Long shot of the Fukuroda Falls and trees in autumn foliage,Ibaraki,Japan
long shot of the fukuroda falls and trees in autumn foliage, ibaraki, japan - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage00:39Long shot of the Fukuroda Falls and trees in autumn foliage, Ibaraki, Japan
long shot of the fukuroda falls and trees in autumn foliage, ibaraki, japan - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage00:19Long shot of the Fukuroda Falls and trees in autumn foliage, Ibaraki, Japan
long shot of the fukuroda falls and trees in autumn foliage, ibaraki, japan - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage00:20Long shot of the Fukuroda Falls and trees in autumn foliage, Ibaraki, Japan
maple leaves in autumn colors, ibaraki, japan - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage00:19Maple leaves in autumn colors, Ibaraki, Japan
long shot of the fukuroda falls, ibaraki, japan - three as four stock videos & royalty-free footage00:29Long shot of the Fukuroda Falls, Ibaraki, Japan