40th anniversary; seq goodbyes from newscasters - reginald bosanquet, julia somerville, dermot murnaghan, sandy gall, alastair burnett, alastair... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage00:07Broadcasting: ITV/ITN 40th anniversary
black market christmas trees; greece: athens: report on black market christmas trees - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage02:18Black market Christmas trees
reports from athens & rome on latest developments in exile of king constantine; greece: parliament: officer out of car shakes & in l-r: into... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage02:41Reports from Athens & Rome on latest developments in exile of King Constantine
reports from athens & rome on latest developments in exile of king constantine; greece: athens: sandy gall:sof: says that the big questions in athens... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage00:36Reports from Athens & Rome on latest developments in exile of King Constantine
reports from athens & rome on latest developments in exile of king constantine; synd 3.12.67 king salutes guard of honour cms/side ditto pan king... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage00:24Reports from Athens & Rome on latest developments in exile of King Constantine
china watchers; itn reporter sandy gall with richard hughes richard hughes interview sot ext newspapers sold on pavement in street newspapers on... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage03:02ITN Reporting 67: China Watchers
the spy catchers / seal slaughter; west germany: bonn: ext sandy gall i/c shots of city streets from car; street market; shots of pedestrians on... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage04:31ITN Roving Report: The Spy Catchers / Seal Slaughter
the spy catchers / seal slaughter; sandy gall i/c: - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage00:48ITN Roving Report: The Spy Catchers / Seal Slaughter
rhodesia: britain enforces sanctions; rhodesia: ext sandy gall on golf course, teeing up then hitting ball as watched by black caddy reporter to... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage00:36ITN Reports: Rhodesia: Britain enforces sanctions
oil hunt; england:kent: keston: centre for seismograph service: ext holwood - centre for seismograph service where north sea data is analysed) int... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage02:57ITN Roving Report: Oil Hunt
dark heart of africa; car along rough track through inturi forest / general views rainforest / members of pygmy tribe along track in forest helping... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage04:34ITN Roving Report: Dark Heart of Africa
dark heart of africa; seq pygmy tribe members gathered round in village as group of men play drums and women dance round them, singing sot / reporter... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage03:26ITN Roving Report: Dark Heart of Africa
dark heart of africa; various shots of hippos mostly submerged in the water / hippo wallowing in mud with close up of head / pelicans taking off from... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage03:35ITN Roving Report: Dark Heart of Africa
dark heart of africa; republic of the congo: int car driver and reporter sandy gall in car as along single muddy track road ext car along muddy rough... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage01:34ITN Roving Report: Dark Heart of Africa
hungary: under communist rule; england: london: ext mrs sandy gall interview sot - on attending mass given by cardinal mindszenty cutaway necklace... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage01:01ITN Reporting 66: Hungary: Under Communist Rule
demonstrations; republic of ireland: county laois: ext demonstrations by supporters of ira as men go into courthouse./ man speaking to crowd /... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage02:54IRA Demonstrations
egypt / israel conflict flares up again; egypt : port suez: night gv pan blazing tanks l-r gv one tank blazing, thick smoke billowing bv men look on... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage04:03Egypt / Israel conflict flares up again
najibullah deposed; tx 15.2.89 itn ussr: termez friendship bridge: another red army tank towards with soldiers in top waving and holding red flags... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage00:49Najibullah deposed
najibullah deposed; location unknown: cms ahmad wali masoud intvw sof - the mujahaddin have one programme and one policy and are all working together - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage00:16Najibullah deposed
najibullah deposed; tx 6.3.90 itn afghanistan: kabul: tgv houses on hillside and river tilt up more of kabul with mountains in b/g side afghan... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage00:12Najibullah deposed
najibullah deposed; tx 6.3.90 itn army column marching towards najib and others on balcony watching military parade - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage00:05Najibullah deposed
former pm bhutto death sentence appeal rejected; tx 1.5.77 rawalpindi ext demonstrators run as smoke bombs billow troops chase demonstrators and it... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage01:31Former PM Bhutto death sentence appeal rejected
former pm bhutto death sentence appeal rejected; 13.2.79 rawalpindi: reporter walking with ahmed raza kasuri ahmed raza kasuri interview sot -... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage00:37Former PM Bhutto death sentence appeal rejected
former pm bhutto death sentence appeal rejected; rr7813 pakistan: border area: ext jeep towards through dust tank l-r another under netting gun under... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage00:14Former PM Bhutto death sentence appeal rejected
royal marines barracks bomb explosion; nat: deal intvw lt gen sir martin garrod commandant-general royal marines: : live 2 way: itn l/b sof archive... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage01:37Royal Marines Barracks bomb explosion
refugees from biafra arrive in lagos; nigeria: lagos: sandy gall sof: "isonzo" in bg: "isonzo" coming in with 580 refugees, american, british and... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage03:20Refugees from Biafra arrive in Lagos
25th anniversary; nao ulm1660 itn b/w 1968? england: london:kingsway excerpt andrew gardner & alastair burnet presenting news at ten camera... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage00:38ITN 'News at Ten': 25th Anniversary
madrid may day parade broken up by police; *also available as fs010577004* spain: madrid: police by lorries policeman walks by smoke from gas police... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage02:01Madrid May Day parade broken up by police
last ever "news at ten"; itn/lib england: london: montage of newscasters signing off - dermot murnaghan, julia somerville, john suchet, alastair... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage00:07Last ever "News At Ten"
biafran citizen army in training; nigeria: enugu: gtv citizen army marching: soldiers marching towards and past in single file carrying arms: gall: :... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage03:33Biafran citizen army in training
israeli troops guard east bank of suez canal; egypt: suez canal: two israeli soldiers in field gun emplacement cbv machine gun in emplacement, canal... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage03:24Israeli troops guard east bank of Suez Canal
fighting continues; afghanistan pro-masoud guerillas boarding mi8 soviet helicopter int helicopter cms guerillas during flight tms guerillas crowded... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage01:00Fighting continues
mekong delta; **shotlist currently unavailable** - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage01:54Mekong Delta
future of 'news at ten' ; itn lib wells street: b/w newsreaders at desk for early news at ten b/w andrew gardner then itn newsreaders andrew gardner... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage00:15Future of 'News at Ten' (NAT)
guerrilla activity; afghanistan: road to jalalabad tms mujahaddin soldiers along towards bv mujahaddin soldiers walk away en route to jalalabad cms... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage04:07Guerrilla activity
biafra breakaway state; nigeria: biafra: gall reports on situation as fed. troops advance towards the capital, enugu; refugees leave; intvw. biafran... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage04:15Biafra breakaway state
50th anniversary of news at ten; u03079202 date unknow sandy gall on phone in newsroom as smokes cigar, john suchet and carol barnes in newsroom with... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage00:0850th Anniversary of News at Ten
zia ul haq interview on death sentence appeal of ali bhutto; pakistan: ext general zia ul-haq walking with reporter and interview on bhutto death... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage06:16Zia ul Haq interview on death sentence appeal of Ali Bhutto
intrepid' sails through suez canal; egypt: suez canal: gv ship along l-r thru' canal: men on bridge: ship along l-r: bridge as ship along l-r: deck... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage00:35US 'Intrepid' sails through Suez Canal
vietnam family; **shotlist currently unavailable** - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage03:09Vietnam family
white portuguese leave; mozambique: lourenco marques: white people off bus whites milling about as off bus outside building to police jeep bv... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage02:05White Portuguese leave
arab refugees; jordan: allenby bridge: nb: dayan wearing dark glasses:pull out to gts arab refugees crossing the allenby bridge:sandy gall i/c: sof:... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage03:36Arab refugees
begining of ground war; saudi arabia: saudi/kuwait border: saudi army m-113 apcs along in desert; m-113s towards as soldiers seen on top; saudi... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage03:33GULF WAR: Day 39: Begining of ground war
gun running across border; northern ireland: border area: ext the 17th and the 21st lancers armoured vehicle along road reporter to camera aerial... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage03:32NORTHERN IRELAND: Gun running across border
william hamilton interview; england: london:itn studio: hamilton:sof: "i quoted some... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage02:13Sex discrimination: MP William Hamilton interview
palestinian camp; jordan: west bank: as lorry through camp, pull out concrete roofed building, pan street bv people at food handout, pan q woman with... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage01:56West Bank: Palestinian camp
intrepid' sails through suez canal; egypt: suez canal: sandy gall dubbed over: side ship l-r along canal: 'skyhawk' planes on deck - zoom in to... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage01:54US 'Intrepid' sails through Suez Canal
parker bowles; england: london: kensington barracks: lt col andrew parker bowles inspects household cavalry ditto ditto pull out parker bowles rides... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage03:33ROYAL WEDDING: Parker Bowles
day 276; a) england: south yorkshire: grimethorpe: cms arthur scargill, num president,speech sof: "and instead of --- the tories." cas ex... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage00:27MINERS STRIKE: Day 276
the oldie of the year awards 2007; close up of sandy gall / lord melvyn bragg talking to another guest, including close up shot / sandy gall talking... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage02:28The Oldie of the Year Awards 2007
and finally.......; montage of newscasters saying "and finally": alastair burnet, pamela armstrong, sandy gall, leonard parkin, michael nicholson,... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage01:11And Finally.......
sandy gall interview; sandy gall interview sot - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage10:22ITN 60th anniversary: Sandy Gall interview
sandy gall interview; england: int sandy gall interview sot - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage07:17ITN 60th anniversary: Sandy Gall interview
sandy gall interview; sandy gall interview sot - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage08:51ITN 60th anniversary: Sandy Gall interview
the vietnam collection 1; tx 13.2.1968 cholon : vietnamese soldiers in street as one slaps two civilians / civilians sheltering / troops firing as... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage04:16The Vietnam collection 1
reporters at war collection 2; slate information: 1979 to date. when russia invaded afghanistan in 1979 few thought that civil war would last for... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage01:45Reporters at war collection 2
gibraltar referendum; gibraltar: gv pan over harbour to houses and flags over street on cliff top: angle view: decorated windows tilt down and zoom... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage01:25Gibraltar referendum
sandy gall honoured by queen: interview; sandy gall interview sot - on whether he feels optimistic for the future of afghanistan / on the situation... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage03:05Sandy Gall honoured by Queen: interview
sandy gall honoured by queen: interview; england: london: ext sandy gall towards with alastair stewart sandy gall interview sot - on his memories of... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage03:33Sandy Gall honoured by Queen: interview
sandy gall honoured by queen: photocall; england: london: buckingham palace: ext sandy gall along with family members after receiving order of st... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage02:43Sandy Gall honoured by Queen: photocall
sir alastair burnet memorial service: arrivals; england: london: st martin in the fields church: int **choir music overlaid sot** general views of... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage07:56Sir Alastair Burnet memorial service: Arrivals
idi amin dies; itn lib excerpt 1972 sandy gall news at ten report on expulsion of ugandan asians england: ???: asians on british streets - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage00:23Idi Amin dies
newsreader gordon honeycombe memories; date unknown itv news opening titles england: london: int cameraman operating camera in itn news studion... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage00:46ITV newsreader Gordon Honeycombe memories
may; in 1967 egypt and jordan unite against israel tx 8.6.1967 israel: gaza city: ext b/w footage wrecked buildings / wounded soldiers arriving at... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage00:38ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY: 30 May
more british troops to be sent to afghanistan; file / date unknown mid air air view over afghan mountains bordering with pakistan - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage00:17More British troops to be sent to Afghanistan
more british troops to be sent to afghanistan; england: london: gir: int gall to camera - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage00:25More British troops to be sent to Afghanistan
more british troops to be sent to afghanistan; england: london: gir: int gall to camera - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage00:17More British troops to be sent to Afghanistan
more british troops to be sent to afghanistan; file / september 1984 afghanistan: ext ground to air russian mil mi24 helicopter gunship flying over... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage00:22More British troops to be sent to Afghanistan
new years honours list: details of awatds; new years honours list: details of awatds; london: ext tcms patricia hayes intvw sof - "what do i -- have... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage00:27New Years Honours List: Details of awatds
military warn of 'generation of conflict'; england: ext sandy gall reading newspaper and interview sot - afghans very good fighters - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage00:21Military warn of 'Generation of Conflict'
military warn of 'generation of conflict'; september 1984 militant holding rifle sandy gall speaking to camera sot - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage00:13Military warn of 'Generation of Conflict'
newsreader carol barnes dies; england: london: int itn newsreader carol barnes presenting various itn news at 5.45' bulletins barnes about to present... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage00:18ITN Newsreader Carol Barnes dies
newsreader carol barnes dies; 1980s: london: int carol barnes presenting news at ten with newsreader sandy gall 1990s: carol barnes introducing itv... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage00:12ITN Newsreader Carol Barnes dies
news at ten relaunched on itv; 1970s sandy gall smoking cigar as speaks on telephone andrew gardner with cigar reginald bosenquet signing off - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage00:10News at Ten relaunched on ITV
graphics guru ben blank dies aged 87; general views of sandy gall and anna ford presenting news bulletin in studio - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage00:12Graphics guru Ben Blank dies aged 87
reporter sat with sandy gall sandy gall interview sot - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage00:17New Year's Honours List: Recipients announced; New Year's Honours List: Recipients announced
journalist sandy gall, made a companion of the order of st michael and st george for his charity work in afghanistan, presenting itn news bulletin... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11New Year's Honours List: Recipients announced; New Year's Honours List: Recipients announced
sandy gall honoured by queen; england: london: ext sandy gall interview sot - hard to be optimistic - just written book - pakistan and india need to... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage00:21Sandy Gall honoured by Queen
sandy gall honoured by queen; date unknown afghanistan: ext sandy gall doing report to camera gall along through mountain pass on donkey letterbox... - sandy gall stock videos & royalty-free footage00:20Sandy Gall honoured by Queen