french foreign minister georges bidault / us and ussr flags flutter on two-pronged flagpole / vs us secretary of state george marshall, wearing... - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:22George Marshall arrives in Moscow for 1947 Council of Foreign Ministers meeting
close up flag of soviet union waving in wind / blue sky background - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:21close up flag of Soviet Union waving in wind / blue sky background
soldiers run towards the reichstag, run up the steps, soldiers on the roof with the soviet flag. - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:33WWII - Soviet forces capture the Reichstag, Berlin
may day parade in red square, crowd carrying banners with stalin and slogans, stalin on lenin mausoleum, kalinin, malenkov, kaganovich / moscow,... - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:095/1/1939 B/W MONTAGE May Day parade in Red Square, crowd carrying banners with Stalin and slogans, Stalin on Lenin Mausoleum, Kalinin, Malenkov, Kaganovich / Moscow, Russia
former soviet union flag - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:13former soviet union flag
and soviet union flags flying on double flagpole / at moscow airport us secretary of state george marshall shakes hands with russian deputy foreign... - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:25US Secretary of State George Marshall arrives in Moscow for Big Four meeting after World War II
close up shot of soviet flag, flag of the soviet union flying against blue sky, moscow, russia; 1989 - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:01CU flag of the Soviet Union flying against blue sky, 1989
b/w 1940s low angle procession of international flags blowing in wind - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage01:02B/W 1940s low angle procession of international flags blowing in wind
cosmonaut yuri gagarin, first man in space. announcement that the flight has been successful, april 12, 1961. jubilation in the streets, cheering... - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:3512 Apr 1961 MONTAGE WS MS CU ZI ZO People cheering in the streets looking at sky during announcement about successful landing of cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, pilots watching television in living room / Russia / AUDIO
soviet flag flies above russian embassy in tokyo / car exits russian embassy grounds, man closes gate / closed gate / flag flies over russian embassy... - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:44Russian flag flies above embassy in Tokyo
khrushchev in france, the paris summit : photographers and reporters waiting for khrushchev at matignon and at the soviet embassy rue de grenelle.... - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage02:01May 16 1960 B/W MONTAGE POV WS MS PAN Nikita Khrushchev visiting Paris summit, photographers + reporters interviewing Khrushchev on street, cars arriving at Elysee Palace, driving through city streets/Paris, France
driving through bustling berlin with olympic and nazi banners hung from lampposts / driving past circular germanic signs, shops, , boys on bicycles... - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage01:14Views of 1936 Nazi Berlin during Summer Olympics
soviet ship in port / angle shot hammer and sickle on flag / tilt down men giving clenched fist salute / top view wood being lifted out of hold /... - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage01:19Soviet ships arrive in England for Lend-lease supplies for Soviet Union; crew members visit miners, and inspect field guns during their stay
national flag of soviet union animation stock video - former ussr russian flag waving in loop and textured 3d rendered background - highly detailed fabric pattern and loopable - union of soviet socialist republics flag - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:15National Flag of Soviet Union Animation Stock Video - Former USSR Russian Flag Waving in Loop and Textured 3d Rendered Background - Highly Detailed Fabric Pattern and Loopable - Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Flag
episode l-06] greatest headlines of the century title sequence / title card: "big three meet at yalta" / pan black sea shoreline to resort town of... - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage03:20Joseph Stalin, Franklin Roosevelt, and Winston Churchill meet at the Yalta Conference in 1945
huge crowds marching in red square during soviet parade / vs russian peasants, some looking hungry / soviet communist party rally inside the bolshoi... - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:09Scenes from Soviet Communist rallies, and Russian peasants
general omar bradley speaks into microphones / view over soviet soldiers of american and soviet flags flying over building with "liebstandarte adolf... - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:41Handover ceremonies of Soviet to American troops in Berlin
people cheering for soviet aviators valery chkalov, copilot georgy baydukov and navigator aleksandr belyakov after long distance flight / russia /... - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage01:351937 B/W MONTAGE People cheering for Soviet aviators Valery Chkalov, copilot Georgy Baydukov and navigator Aleksandr Belyakov after long distance flight / Russia / AUDIO
4k soviet union flag - loopable - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:104K Soviet Union Flag - Loopable
ms pan shot of flag with men against rail on russian ship - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:06MS PAN Shot of Flag with men against rail on Russian ship
1960s medium shot map of europe with the ussr in red and a hammer + sickle insignia superimposed - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:061960s medium shot map of Europe with the USSR in red and a hammer + sickle insignia superimposed
moscow skyscrapers : springtime in moscow, the kremlin. - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:251955 B/W MONTAGE WS MS CU ZI PAN State University, Kremlin's Spasskaya Tower + Saint Basil's Cathedral/Moscow, USSR
flag flying above building - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:50USSR Flag flying Above Building
exterior shots flag of soviet union, ussr flag, hammer and sickle and star red flag on top of kremlin on february 18, 1990 in moscow, ussr. - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:20USSR Flag of Soviet Union Stock Shots
animation of the russia flag. 4k. russian flag flying, russian flag render - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:35Animation of the Russia flag. 4K. Russian flag flying, Russian flag render
extreme close up of soviet flag, flag of the soviet union flying, moscow; 1989 - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:02CU Soviet flag flying; 1989
republics sign new commonwealth treaty; russian federation: moscow: ext night lms soviet flag flying at kremlin pull out: zil limousine out of... - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11Republics sign new Commonwealth treaty
flag of the soviet union - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:10flag of the Soviet Union
ussr flag on the background of a granite wall - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:32USSR flag on the background of a granite wall
title "as advertised - red troop withdrawal a propaganda show" superimposed over parading soviet soldiers / huge crowd, flags flying including soviet... - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:49Showy ceremony of Soviet military withdrawal; bouquets from children to pilots
russia flag or russian flag - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:16Russia flag or Russian flag
1925 montage b/w ws men carrying banners and musical instruments marching in city parade/ ws ha crowd attending parade/ ms men leading float in city parade/ russia - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:181925 MONTAGE B/W WS Men carrying banners and musical instruments marching in city parade/ WS HA Crowd attending parade/ MS Men leading float in city parade/ Russia
soviet, us, and british flags flutter on flagpoles at potsdam conference / soviet delegation, led by joseph stalin and vyacheslav molotov, enters... - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:36Scenes from 1945 Potsdam Conference
ussr flag flying on top of the kremlin, moscow; 1971 - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:07USSR flag flying on top of the Kremlin, Moscow; 1971
balance and gavel with russian flag - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:14Balance and Gavel with Russian Flag
cosmonaut yuri gagarin, first man in space. people's demonstration on red square, cheering crowd, gagarin waves at the crowd from the mausoleum. - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:231 May 1961 MONTAGE MS LA WS HA ZI ZO Parade of people cheering Yuri Gagarin standing and waving from Lenin's Mausoleum balcony / Moscow, Russia
intervention of the soviet army. interview w/ a journalist of an independant television channel , witness of the night events when soviet tanks and... - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage01:131991 MONTAGE Intervention of the Soviet army, protesters gathering on streets, sitting by bonfires behind barricades, soldiers patrolling streets, protest on city street at night / Vilnius, Lithuania
audience applauding and singing anthem, former ussr flag, printing press of pravda newspaper, crowd cheering brezhnev and other dignitaries walking... - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage01:341976/1977/1981 MONTAGE 25th CPSU Party Congress with Brezhnev speaking from tribune / Moscow, Russia / AUDIO
brezhnev industrial propaganda : big soviet emblem , aer red square, may day parade on red square in moscow, brezhnev waving at the crowd from the... - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage01:031 May 1970 MONTAGE Installation of big hammer and sickle on star emblem on top of tower, May Day parade through Red Square, Leonid Brezhnev waving at crowd from Mausoleum balcony, crowd passing in front of Pushkin Statue / Moscow, Russia
map of europe displaying the expansion of the ussr into eastern and central european countries/ europe/ audio - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:021994 WS Map of Europe displaying the expansion of the USSR into eastern and central European countries/ Europe/ AUDIO
exterior shots kremlin palace, st basil's cathedral, flag of soviet union, ussr flag, hammer and sickle and star red flag on top of kremlin on... - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage01:04USSR Moscow Red Square Stock Shots
flag of soviet union animation grunge and glitch, bad tv damage, digital cyber security digital animation loopable stock video - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:10Flag of Soviet Union Animation Grunge and Glitch, Bad TV Damage, Digital Cyber Security Digital Animation Loopable Stock Video
cosmonaut yuri gagarin, first man in space. gagarin's triumphant trips abroad : in japan. - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:351961 MONTAGE Crowd of people cheering cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin driving through city streets, Yuri Gagarin receiving flowers and putting on kimono / Japan
kremlin, brezhnev speaking at a cpsu party congress. - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:211970s MONTAGE WS HA MS Leonid Brezhnev speaking at a CPSU Party Congress/Kremlin, Moscow, USSR
wide angle of barbed wire fence around nuclear power plant. see two cooling towers spewing steam into clear blue sky. see large rectangular building next to cooling towers- could be reactor buidling. see russian flag. - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:08WIDE ANGLE OF BARBED WIRE FENCE AROUND NUCLEAR POWER PLANT. SEE TWO COOLING TOWERS SPEWING STEAM INTO CLEAR BLUE SKY. SEE LARGE RECTANGULAR BUILDING NEXT TO COOLING TOWERS- COULD BE REACTOR BUIDLING. SEE RUSSIAN FLAG.
a red soviet union flag blows in the breeze near san francisco bay. - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:29A red Soviet Union flag blows in the breeze near San Francisco Bay.
ussr flag high detail - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:19USSR Flag High Detail
4k ussr flag - loopable - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:104K USSR Flag - Loopable
slow motion flag of soviet union waving in wind / blue sky background - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:16slow motion flag of Soviet Union waving in wind / blue sky background
premier of the soviet union joseph stalin is seen standing alongside soviet foreign minister vyacheslav molotov. followed by stalin standing on a... - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:22Premier of the Soviet Union Joseph Stalin at the WWII victory parade in Red Square, Moscow, Russia, 1945
1950s rear view group of people raising fists in salute to ho chi minh photo + soviet flag - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:01B/W 1950s REAR VIEW group of people raising fists in salute to Ho Chi Minh photo + Soviet flag
1950s from framed portraits of marx + lenin on wall to soviet flag / newsreel - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:04B/W 1950s PAN from framed portraits of Marx + Lenin on wall to Soviet flag / newsreel
'sanko daffodil' carrier caught up in heavy fighting; djibouti: ext av soviet flag flying pull out russian evacuees seen on ship evacuees leaning on... - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:25'Sanko Daffodil' carrier caught up in heavy fighting
cu flag of the soviet union flying at night, moscow; 1987 - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:02CU flag of the Soviet Union flying at night, Moscow; 1987
victory parade through athens, crowds watching from street and balconies. - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:45MOT: Pictures of Greece; the end of Nazi occupation - part 16 of 20
american and ussr flags waving against each other | loopable. - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:20American And USSR Flags Waving Against Each Other | Loopable.
soviet union in wwii - military parade in red square, soldier hoisting soviet flag, nazi brown shirts on german street, newspaper headines - nazis... - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage01:02Communism - 7 of 12 - Cold War Anti-communist propaganda film
communist soviet ussr flag at rally / protest (moscow) - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:09Communist Soviet USSR Flag at Rally / Protest (Moscow)
"the fall of berlin first pictures" / the brandenburg gate with russian sailors and soldiers at the end of world war ii / war debris, damaged and... - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage01:47World War II: Berlin
ho chi minh mausoleum at hanoi, vietnam from a motorcycle pov - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:13Ho Chi Minh mausoleum at Hanoi, Vietnam from a motorcycle POV
american and ussr flags - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:23american and ussr Flags
flag of the ussr in the wind against the sky (slow motion) - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:09Flag of the USSR in the wind against the sky (slow motion)
1960s montage first infantry division soldiers examining captured enemy communication equipment, including soviet hammer-and-sickle flag / vietnam - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:151960s MONTAGE First Infantry Division soldiers examining captured enemy communication equipment, including Soviet hammer-and-sickle flag / Vietnam
archival footage of early revolution days, smolny, lenin, workers, industrialization, big factories. building of the ussr. - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage01:061920 B/W MONTAGE Soldiers on city streets during Russian Revolution, photograph of Lenin sitting with writer Herbert George Wells, industrialization, factory workers, builders at work, industrial landscape with smoking chimneys / St. Petersburg, Russia
cosmonaut yuri gagarin, first man in space. gagarin's triumphant trips abroad , with workers, pit workers, embraces. - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage01:141961 MONTAGE Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin driving through crowds on streets in various countries, greeting and embracing people / Europe, China
brezhnev visits lenin's street in paris visit of the eiffel tower, notre dame, le louvre. - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:331970s MONTAGE WS HA MS TD MS PAN Leonid Brezhnev visiting Paris, crowd on Lenin street, Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame detail, visiting Louvre museum, stopping by Mona Lisa painting/Paris, France
brezhnev in cuba : huge crowds and lots of flags. - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:211974 MONTAGE MS WS POV PAN Leonid Brezhnev visiting Cuba, crowds waving Cuban + Soviet flags lining streets, meeting with people on city square/Havana, Cuba
brezhnev in bulgaria dancing with women in traditionnal costume. - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:171970s MONTAGE MS AERIAL ZO PAN Leonid Brezhnev visiting Bulgaria, dancing with women in traditional costumes, crowd at city square/Bulgaria
brezhnev in india : huge crowds watching motorcade. - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:101980 MONTAGE MS WS PAN Leonid Brezhnev visiting India, waving to crowd, driving by people waving Indian + soviet flags/India
brezhnev in paris, crowd cheers brezhnev and giscard. brezhnev visits renault plant. workers . - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage00:29Dec 1974 MONTAGE MS WS PAN CU Leonid Brezhnev waving from car driving through city streets, crowd cheering, Brezhnev + Valery Giscard d'Estaing walking along crowd, visiting car plant, handshaking workers/Paris, France
human chain for peace in baltic states : estonian flag, meeting, huge crowd, people ligning along street for human chain. meeting at night, people... - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage01:3923 Aug 1989 MONTAGE WS ZI ZO MS POV HA Crowd of protesters on city square, people holding hands, standing along streets as human chain for peace demonstration across Baltic states/Estonia, USSR
cuban president osvaldo dorticos torrado disembarking plane welcomed by soviet head politicians, soviet + cuban flags, crowd cheering + waving, view... - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage01:15October 1964 B/W MONTAGE Meeting of Cuban and Soviet Leaders / Moscow, USSR
parades, dances on red square, good shots . may day parade in moscow w/ foreign state leaders : algerian ahmed ben bella and kenya's interior... - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage01:42May 1st 1964 B/W MONTAGE May Day parade, traditional dances performing on Red Square, foreign state leaders: Algerian president Ahmed Ben Bella + Kenya's Interior minister Oginga Odinga with Nikita Khrushchev, Leonid Brezhnev, crowd cheering/Moscow, USSR
cyclists + motorcyclists riding through city streets holding flags, team presentation during 'spartakiad' opening ceremony on stadium, portrait of... - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage01:161960s B/W MONTAGE Spartakiad sporting event / Moscow, USSR
solemn ceremony, cpsu party congress, march 11, 1990 : gorbachev's speech, takes the oath as president of the soviet union, ruslan khasbulatov... - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage01:1011 Mar 1990 MONTAGE Mikhail Gorbachev taking oath as President of Soviet Union, wife Raisa Gorbachev with others applauding / Moscow, Russia / AUDIO
mourning ceremony around coffin at house of trade unions and funeral procession to place of burial near lenin's mausoleum, crowd of people holding... - former ussr flag stock videos & royalty-free footage01:5016 Nov 1982 MONTAGE Burial of Leonid Brezhnev / Red Square, Moscow, Russia