the bull has been killed as the crowd cheers. the animal will be dragged out of the ring. - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage00:15Bullfight in Seville
matador with pink cape taunting bull in arena during bullfight / seville, spain - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage00:22Matador with pink cape taunting bull in arena during bullfight / Seville, Spain
female matador with cape + sword dodging charging bull with banderillas in neck / bogota, colombia - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage00:15Female matador with cape + sword dodging charging bull with banderillas in neck / Bogota, Colombia
woman bullfighter, spain, 1943 - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage00:21Woman bullfighter, Spain, 1943
"senorita fights the bull" superimposed over girl fighting bull / crowd at arena / bertha trujillo, armenian bullfighter, at right fg approaching,... - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage01:2126-year-old Armenian female bullfighter Bertha Trujillo in a bullfight arena in Colombia
female matador with pink cape dodging charging bull / bogota, colombia - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage00:15Female matador with pink cape dodging charging bull / Bogota, Colombia
"cowing the bull-described by teddy bergman" / nearly a dozen clowns dressed alike entertain by provoking young bull in arena, one has cape / crowd... - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage01:07Clowns with bull entertain crowd at bullfight arena
1951 high angle view of matador standing in bullring - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage00:141951 High angle view of matador standing in bullring
1963 montage outdoor art exhibiton / chicago, united states / audio - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage00:081963 MONTAGE Outdoor art exhibiton / Chicago, United States / AUDIO
lisbon; general view bullring / bullfight poster / bull in ring; shot of cavaliero riding into the ring / various of matador running around bull with... - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage02:08ITN Roving Report: Lisbon
pre-election; tlms matador fighting bull at bull fight man mounted on horse holding lance matador goading bull with cape tele 5 studio int tms people... - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage02:52Pre-Election
notting hill carnival 2008: general views; group of women wearing red and gold flounced costumes dancing in the street / various of carnival... - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage02:56Notting Hill Carnival 2008: General views
low angle of models parading on runway during fashion show / fashion design judge victor mott, lecturer at university of miami / women fashion... - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage01:27Fashion editors and academics judge fashion design contest in Vancouver
women pose for camera during the violence at the bullfight. - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage00:23Bullfight in Seville - Spanish Women at Bullfight
members of the spanish royal family enter the box at the stadium to cheering crowds. this is a few years before their exile during the spanish civil... - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage00:10Royal Box at the Plaza de toros
toreadors ride their horses through the streets of seville before a bullfight, children and women are fascinated by the film camera. - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage00:37Toreadors Ride Through Streets
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- female bullfighter sandra moscoso torero is the only woman who is still active in the sport - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage00:16Female Bullfighter Sandra Moscoso
- female bullfighter sandra moscoso torero is the only woman who is still active in the sport - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage00:25Female Bullfighter Sandra Moscoso
1965 wide shot trick or treaters in halloween costumes (boy in superman costume) walking on sidewalk - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage00:041965 wide shot trick or treaters in Halloween costumes (boy in Superman costume) walking on sidewalk
pan bull running around arena + charging matador on knees / runs through red cape + misses matadors - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage00:20PAN bull running around arena + charging matador on knees / runs through red cape + misses matadors
male emcee / band leader at microphone conducting orchestra / ice show, female performers in matching pink & black outfits skating in two lines in... - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage00:511939 World'd Fair - Ice Show attraction
matador parked in front of suburan ranch house; man walks up, gets in / car interior; man and woman buckle up seat belts / steering wheel &... - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage00:441974 AMC Matador Coupe montage
passenger side of hardtop window; woman leans into view and smiles / tracking shot; front of car driving on highway / driver side tracking shot of... - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage00:291971 AMC Matador hardtop montage
the bullfighter andres roca rey acknowledges that his relationship with victoria federica is wonderful: "everything is very good." as for how she is... - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage01:50Andres Roca Rey Sightings In Madrid
jaime de marichalar is silent when asked about the possibility that his daughter, victoria federica, could have something more than a friendship with... - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage00:19Rabat Presents "Magia Salvaje" In Madrid
spanish bullfighters, or matadors as they are called, are getting prepared for a new season in 2023 that will run from march to october. 24-year-old... - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage06:00Spanish bullfighters getting ready for new season
josé maría manzanares, proud that his little daughter has bullfighting in her blood: "she likes it a lot. when i start training and i'm with her, she... - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage02:38"San Isidro Fair 2023" Madrid Photocall
tana rivera accompanies her father francisco rivera to the traditional dinner for the bullfighters of the fundación nuevo futuro. - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage03:19Dinner For The Bullfighters Of The Nuevo Futuro Foundation
the bullfighter josé maría manzanares assures that among the most important women in his life are his wife, his mother and his daughters: "i have it... - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage04:16Harper's Bazaar "Women Of The Year" Awards 2022
the bullfighter josé maría manzanares assures that among the most important women in his life are his wife, his mother and his daughters: "i have it... - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage03:30Harper's Bazaar "Women Of The Year" Awards 2022
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gabriela ostos, very affected after receiving her father's ashes, leaves the house and thanks the press for the support she received: "mari ángeles... - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage00:46Gabriela Ostos Sightings In Madrid
gabriela ostos, broken, arrives at the home of mari ángeles grajal: "really, she's here. she's here." with a lump in her throat, the bullfighter's... - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage00:21Gabriela Ostos Sightings In Madrid
newsreel report on the running of the bulls taking place in pamplona as part of the fiesta de san fermín, during which young men run through narrow... - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage00:56Universal Newsreel - Pamplona bull run, Spain; 1960
she is the only woman to have been carried out of madrid's las ventas on the shoulders of others, the greatest honour for a bullfighter - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage05:19CLEAN : Léa Vicens, a new generation of horseback bullfighting in Spain
men pour from an alley scattering across a small town's courtyard with bulls following two men galloping on horseback / women packed onto balconies... - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage01:08A small-town bullfight
people walk by the grave of spanish bullfighter josé cubero sánchez, aka 'yiyo, where a large statue with his figure rises from the grave at the... - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage00:06Spain's Bereaved Pay Respects On All Saints Day
woman bullfighter rosalia de columbia fights a bull in a stadium. - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage00:25Woman bullfighter Rosalia De Columbia fights a bull in a stadium.
bullfighter rosalia de columbia fights a bull in a stadium. - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage00:20Bullfighter Rosalia De Columbia fights a bull in a stadium.
bullfighter rosalia de columbia walks across a stadium. - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage00:16Bullfighter Rosalia De Columbia walks across a stadium.
woman bullfighter rosalia de columbia fights a bull in a stadium. - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage00:33Woman bullfighter Rosalia De Columbia fights a bull in a stadium.
woman bullfighter rosalia de columbia fights a bull in a stadium. - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage00:13Woman bullfighter Rosalia De Columbia fights a bull in a stadium.
1951 - panning shot of matador fighting with bull in bullring, bull gores horse - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage00:311951 - Panning shot of matador fighting with bull in bullring, bull gores horse
1951 panning shot of matador fighting with bull in bullring - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage00:071951 Panning shot of matador fighting with bull in bullring
high angle view of matador waving cape in front of bull in bullring - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage00:17High angle view of matador waving cape in front of bull in bullring
gonzalo caballero´s sister attends the hospital after bullfighting accident - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage00:13Gonzalo Caballero´s Sister attends the hospital after bullfighting accident
"californians step lively in fiesta - los angeles dancers put plenty of pep in international gathering staged at the ambassador gardens" / vs women... - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage01:48Dancers perform in costumes of other lands
william randolph hearst's sons in grandstands watching bullfight and taking photos and movies, son in white with camera is william randolph hearst... - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage00:36Family of publishing tycoon William Randolph Hearst watch bullfight in 1934 Spain
former british prime minister david lloyd george and his wife margaret greeted next to car after their arrival; they walk toward camera and lloyd... - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage00:52Former British Prime Minister David Lloyd George and his wife Margaret visit Cadiz, Spain in 1923
looking down on animals mostly in corrals, horses and cattle, people by corrals and on paths / parade of toreadors on road with cars, decorations on... - female matador stock videos & royalty-free footage00:31Scenes of Seville Fair; animals, toreadors, mantillas
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