[this is a reenactment] clock face surrounded by pictures including lindbergh baby and bruno hauptmann / view of floor, prison cell and legs of guard... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage01:06Reenactment of Bruno Hauptmann's walk to the electric chair in 1936
zoom in to electric chair / lap dissolve to bruno hauptmann at lindbergh kidnapping trial - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage00:06B/W 1935 zoom in to electric chair / LAP DISSOLVE to Bruno Hauptmann at Lindbergh kidnapping trial
february 13, 1935 montage spectators sitting and judge banging gavel in courthouse / flemington, new jersey, united states - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage00:15February 13, 1935 MONTAGE Spectators sitting and judge banging gavel in courthouse / Flemington, New Jersey, United States
the trial for the lindbergh baby kidnapping begins. - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage01:38The trial for the Lindbergh Baby Kidnapping begins.
bruno hauptmann is questioned by the prosecution at the flemington courthouse. - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage00:35Bruno-Hauptmann is questioned by the prosecution at the Flemington Courthouse.
"guilty or not guilty?" / high-angle shot of spectators in the hunterdon county courthouse inside courtroom / high-angle shot attorneys confer / side... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage01:54Various parties enter courtroom during Bruno Hauptmann's trial for capital murder of Charles Lindbergh, Jr.
"news of the trial" / high shot ext hunterdon county courthouse with crowd and reporters standing around / cameraman standing on top of car, crowd... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage01:43Reporters cover the Lindbergh kidnapping trial in January 1935 in Flemington, New Jersey
"jersey speeds hauptmann murder trial" / hunterdon county courthouse with people outside / interior of the courtroom; the jury box, and the witness... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage01:28Bruno Hauptmann on trial in the Lindbergh baby case
close shot of lindbergh baby case defendant bruno hauptmann sitting in courtroom, people sitting behind him / shot of electric chair, large question... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage00:09Country awaits verdict in trial of Bruno Hauptmann, accused kidnapper and murderer of the Lindbergh baby
"trial of trials! more than 30 days - 164 witnesses - drama, suspense, sensation - the spotlight on flemington!" / qs nj supreme court justice thomas... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage00:33Prosecutor, defense team, defendant, and judge at Bruno Hauptmann's trial for capital murder of the Lindbergh baby
high angle view of packed courtroom under harsh glare of newsreel lights / robed justice thomas w trenchard takes seat, looks over documents / gavel... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage00:29Trial courtroom as Bruno Hauptmann faces trial for Lindbergh baby kidnapping
jury find bruno richard hauptmann, accused killer of charles lindbergh's infant son, guilty / new jersey, united states - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage00:211935 MONTAGE Jury find Bruno Richard Hauptmann, accused killer of Charles Lindbergh's infant son, guilty / New Jersey, United States
bruno richard hauptmann, accused killer of charles lindbergh's infant son, taking the stand in his own defense / new jersey, united states - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage00:511935 MONTAGE Bruno Richard Hauptmann, accused killer of Charles Lindbergh's infant son, taking the stand in his own defense / New Jersey, United States
sots anna hauptmann, wife of accused lindbergh baby kidnapper richard bruno hauptmann, regarding 30-day reprieve : "i never was so happy in my life... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage02:12Anna Hauptmann on 30-day reprieve of husband Bruno Hauptmann's execution
rev. john matthiesen: hauptmann received reprieve today, very happy about it, i've been his spiritual advisor for the last 3 mos; both been praying;... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage01:18Bruno Hauptmann's spiritual advisor, Rev. John Matthiesen, speaks to press after reprieve
surrounded by press, warden mark kimberling answers questions: hasn't seen hauptmann since previous week; wife hasn't said goodbye; seems to be... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage02:16Warden Mark Kimberling comments on Hauptmann reprieve
warden col. mark o. kimberling amid crush of journalists answers questions: refusal ends court fight; tells of plans for governor harold g. hoffman... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage02:27Press availability with Trenton State Prison Warden Mark Kimberling on status of Bruno Hauptmann
surrounded by press and onlookers , anna hauptmann leaves doorway of prison, is escorted through crowd, gets into car, people climb on running board... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage01:45Bruno Hauptmann's wife Anna leaves Trenton State Prison
bruno richard hauptmann, accused of the kidnapping and murder of charles lindbergh, jr. / spectators at hauptmann's trial at the hunterdon county... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage00:30Bruno Richard Hauptmann on trial for kidnapping/murder of the Lindbergh baby
"crime" superimposed over two men posing for photo opportunity, one wearing white hood and robes of the kkk, other wearing black hood with skull and... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage00:45US murderers Dayton Dean and Bruno Hauptmann in 1936
new jersey attorney general david t. wilentz exits trenton courthouse protected by policemen / unid man on outdoor stairs / witness ellis parker pull... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage01:17Men at Bruno Hauptmann's trial in Trenton
with press clustered around, defense attorney lloyd fisher exits barred door, covers mouth with hand while speaking with another and walks past... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage00:18Bruno Hauptmann's attorney C. Lloyd Fisher leaves prison building
reporters and boy with microphone cluster around man on porch and then he speaks to them through barred window / large crowd around hauptmann... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage01:36Hauptmann attorney Lloyd Fisher and New Jersey State Prison warden Col. Mark Kimberling
crowd clustered around vehicle entrance to prison as hearse rounds corner in distance with flashbulbs firing; vehicle rounds corner, approaches with... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage01:11Body of executed Lindbergh baby kidnapper Bruno Hauptmann leaves New Jersey State Prison
of william legay at bulky microphone reading statement from nj gov. harold g. hoffman that a reprieve won't be issued for execution of lindbergh... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage01:55William LeGay reads governor's statement denying reprieve for Bruno Hauptmann
reporters and cameramen thunder down corridor near the governor's office with one shouting "he died, he died!" during death watch for lindbergh baby... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage01:29Reporters react after hearing of Bruno Hauptmann's execution in 1936
jumpy footage of harold hoffman, nj governor, walking at night surrounded by others - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage00:12Gov. Harold G. Hoffman of New Jersey
men look at pocket watches then disperse during the time of bruno hauptmann's execution for the murder of the lindbergh baby - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage00:12Men with pocket watches during execution of Bruno Hauptmann
hearse drives down street next to prison and pulls up in front of closed gates / crowd starts to gather around hearse / two prison guards open gates,... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage01:47Hearse carries away body of Bruno Hauptmann, convicted kidnapper of Lindbergh baby, after he is executed in New Jersey
two shots of people standing around in darkness / man carries flare as people mill about / shot of exterior of prison in daylight - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage00:31Scenes at night outside NJ State Prison in Trenton where Bruno Hauptmann, convicted kidnapper of Lindbergh baby, is executed
two shots of h. j. mcclain herborn speaking to reporters about case just before execution of convicted kidnapper bruno hauptmann; sot he describes... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage01:36Man outside Governor's office in Trenton, NJ, talks to reporters about Lindbergh kidnapping case
william legay reading statement in governor's office from governor harold hoffman to reporters / sot legay reading statement regarding first reprieve... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage02:02Announcement from NJ Gov. Harold Hoffman that Bruno Hauptmann, convicted kidnapper of Lindbergh baby, will be executed
lillian hauer being escorted away from governor's office after her attempt to see governor harold hoffman regarding the bruno hauptmann case / men... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage00:57Men outside Governor's office in Trenton, NJ, waiting for execution of Bruno Hauptmann, convicted kidnapper of Lindbergh baby
various shots from hallway of reporters gathered in governor harold hoffman's office / various shots from hallway of reporters leaving office after... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage03:08Reporters burst out of NJ Gov. Harold Hoffman's office upon hearing that Bruno Hauptmann's execution is over
news reporters use telephones, telegraphs and typewriters to report on the execution of bruno hauptmann. - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage00:35News reporters use telephones, telegraphs and typewriters to report on the execution of Bruno Hauptmann.
prosecutor david wilentz angrily questions bruno hauptmann in a crowded courtroom. - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage00:44Prosecutor David Wilentz angrily questions Bruno Hauptmann in a crowded courtroom.
lawyers lead accused lindbergh baby kidnapper bruno hauptmann into the courtroom. - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage00:05Lawyers lead accused Lindbergh baby kidnapper Bruno Hauptmann into the courtroom.
interviews after the execution of bruno hauptmann: witnesses describe the scene / male witness, sot "he promised he'd die like a man, and i think he... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage00:48Witnesses describe the Bruno Hauptmann execution
"lindbergh" superimposed on ship sailing into port in england / aviator charles lindbergh and wife anne come down gangway from ship, lindbergh... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage00:30Charles and Anne Lindbergh leave America
bruno richard hauptmann in police custody after arrest for kidnapping and murder of the lindbergh baby / montage charles a. lindbergh, jr., in baby... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage00:12Bruno Richard Hauptmann arrested in 1934 for kidnapping and murder of the Lindbergh baby
crowd outside courthouse waiting for verdict news man on top of car w/ camera tripod. - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage00:07Crowd outside courthouse
convicted kidnapper/murderer bruno richard hauptmann in prison cell / journalists in busy press room / hand with telegraph machine / montage legs of... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage00:31Bruno Richard Hauptmann executed in 1936 for Lindbergh baby kidnapping/murder
montage bruno richard hauptmann at press conference / murder indictment document / hauptmann in courtroom at hunterdon county courthouse / crowd... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage00:351935 trial of alleged Lindbergh baby kidnapper Bruno Richard Hauptmann in New Jersey
montage police look at map, walk in field / investigators point at shallow grave, pick up item / william allen, the african-american searcher who... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage00:43Lindbergh baby's body is found and police find evidence at suspect's home in 1934
"kidnap arrest stirs u.s. new york - authorities line up evidence against hauptmann, suspect taken with ransom money hidden away! prisoners denies... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage00:20Kidnapper Bruno Richard Hauptmann is arrested
typed card describing clip / interior of courtroom, judge seated at desk / from judge to bruno richard hauptmann and men standing in front of judge /... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage01:37Kidnapper Bruno Richard Hauptmann appears in court following his arrest in the Lindbergh kidnapping case
typed card describing clip / lumber mill where lindbergh case suspect bruno richard hauptmann worked / man showing model of ladder / high view gas... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage02:29Evidence displayed that purports to show Bruno Richard Hauptmann 's connection to the Lindbergh kidnapping case
file footage of charles lindbergh and his wife anne morrow lindbergh posing for photos / closer shot of anne / ladder used in kidnapping propped up... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage00:53Investigation of Lindbergh baby kidnapping in New Jersey
upset bruno hauptmann standing with lawyers in courtroom / lindbergh kidnapping / newsreel - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage00:03B/W 1935 upset Bruno Hauptmann standing with lawyers in courtroom / Lindbergh kidnapping / newsreel
high angle wide shot rear view crowd in courtroom at lindbergh kidnapping trial / nj / newsreel - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage00:04B/W 1935 high angle wide shot REAR VIEW crowd in courtroom at Lindbergh kidnapping trial / NJ / newsreel
bruno hauptmann testifying on stand at kidnapping trial / flemington, nj / newsreel - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage00:09B/W 1935 Bruno Hauptmann testifying on stand at kidnapping trial / Flemington, NJ / newsreel
close up bruno hauptmann sitting in courtroom looking upset / lindbergh kidnapping / newsreel - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage00:02B/W 1935 close up Bruno Hauptmann sitting in courtroom looking upset / Lindbergh kidnapping / newsreel
bruno hauptmann talking to wife at lindbergh kidnapping trial / flemington, nj - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage00:03B/W 1935 Bruno Hauptmann talking to wife at Lindbergh kidnapping trial / Flemington, NJ
close up bruno hauptmann + 2 lawyers at kidnapping trial / newsreel - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage00:02B/W 1935 close up Bruno Hauptmann + 2 lawyers at kidnapping trial / newsreel
high angle bruno hauptmann being led to seat at lindbergh kidnapping trial / flemington, nj - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage00:05B/W 1935 high angle Bruno Hauptmann being led to seat at Lindbergh kidnapping trial / Flemington, NJ
close up bruno hauptmann sitting during lindbergh kidnapping trial / flemington, nj / newsreel - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage00:02B/W 1935 close up Bruno Hauptmann sitting during Lindbergh kidnapping trial / Flemington, NJ / newsreel
bruno hauptmann being led to podium in courtroom / lindbergh kidnapping / newsreel - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage00:03B/W 1935 Bruno Hauptmann being led to podium in courtroom / Lindbergh kidnapping / newsreel
close up bruno hauptmann sitting in courtroom looking upset / lindbergh kidnapping / newsreel - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage00:03B/W 1935 close up Bruno Hauptmann sitting in courtroom looking upset / Lindbergh kidnapping / newsreel
close up profile bruno hauptmann sitting in courtroom at lindbergh kidnapping trial / newsreel - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage00:01B/W 1935 close up PROFILE Bruno Hauptmann sitting in courtroom at Lindbergh kidnapping trial / newsreel
bruno hauptmann + lawyers standing by microphone at kidnapping trial / newsreel - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage00:05B/W 1935 Bruno Hauptmann + lawyers standing by microphone at kidnapping trial / newsreel
bruno hauptmann standing with lawyers in courtroom / lindbergh kidnapping / newsreel - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage00:03B/W 1935 Bruno Hauptmann standing with lawyers in courtroom / Lindbergh kidnapping / newsreel
close up bruno hauptmann sitting in courtroom at lindbergh kidnapping trial / nj / newsreel - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage00:02B/W 1935 close up Bruno Hauptmann sitting in courtroom at Lindbergh kidnapping trial / NJ / newsreel
bruno hauptmann testifying on stand at kidnapping trial / flemington, nj / newsreel - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage00:37B/W 1935 Bruno Hauptmann testifying on stand at kidnapping trial / Flemington, NJ / newsreel
reporters broadcast the news that bruno hauptmann, the lindbergh kidnapper, was executed in the electric chair. - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage01:32Universal Newsreel: Reporters broadcast the news that Bruno Hauptmann, the Lindbergh kidnapper, was executed in the electric chair.
bruno richard hauptmann is tried for the kidnapping and murder of the lindbergh baby, and sentenced to death in the electric chair; circa 1935. - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage04:35Universal Newsreel: Bruno Richard Hauptmann is tried for the kidnapping and murder of the Lindbergh baby, and sentenced to death in the electric chair; circa 1935.
b/w 1938 radio announcer announcing execution of bruno hauptmann - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage00:04B/W 1938 radio announcer announcing execution of Bruno Hauptmann
shot of exterior of courthouse / nj gov. arthur harry moore standing outdoors next to district attorney samuel foley; sot moore saying people of nj... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage00:29New Jersey Governor Arthur Harry Moore in Trenton, NJ, talking about Bruno Hauptmann, on trial for Lindbergh baby kidnapping and murder
newsreel report showing attorney general david willenz asking for the extradition of bruno hauptmann in the case of the abduction and murder of baby... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage01:59Universal Newsreel - Hauptmann extradited to New Jersey, USA; 1934
newsreel report covering the trial of bruno hauptmann after the kidnapping and murder of the baby charles augustus lindbergh, jr. at the hunterdon... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage00:55Universal Newsreel - participants at Hauptmann trial, USA; 1934
title "bruno's new lawyer" superimposed over convicted lindbergh baby kidnapper bruno richard hauptmann sitting in his jail cell / sot leibowitz... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage01:04Attorney Samuel S Leibowitz comments on possibly representing Lindbergh baby kidnapper Bruno Hauptmann
reporters wait outside door as defense attorneys frederick pope and lloyd fisher exit wearing hats and overcoats, they stand in door for photographs,... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage03:01Bruno Richard Hauptmann's defense team reacts to his reprieve granted by Gov. Harold Hoffman
very dark video of men / new jersey governor harold hoffman sits at table surrounded by police and reporters / pan across standing reporters to end... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage01:05Gov. Harold Hoffman grants stay of execution to Bruno Richard Hauptmann, convicted in the Lindbergh baby case
"bruno's last mile" over black then superimposed over bruno hauptmann / ext state house annex / high angle crowd of men outside state house,... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage02:00Pardons Board rejects appeal by Lindbergh baby kidnapper Bruno Hauptmann to commute his sentence
headlines about lindbergh baby kidnapper bruno hauptmann's clemency denied / exteriors new jersey state house / new jersey state attorney general... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage02:08Bruno Hauptmann denied clemency
"deport aliens" superimposed over people with luggage walking / rep. martin dies, jr. speaking / bruno hauptmann, lindbergh baby kidnapper / men in... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage01:47Controversy over illegal aliens in the US
"lindy's flight" superimposed over face of charles lindbergh / lindbergh / newspaper clipping on lindbergh family and scotland yard protection /... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage01:50Charles and Anne Morrow Lindbergh leave the US for Great Britain
title "jersey justice upheld" superimposed over hauptmann in jail cell / close shot of hauptmann in court / shot of exterior of new jersey court of... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage02:16New Jersey Court of Errors and Appeals upholds conviction of Bruno Richard Hauptmann for the Lindbergh baby kidnapping/murder
high angle / car drives by / high angle crowd waits / high angle defendant bruno richard hauptmann's attorney edward reilly signs autograph / vs... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage01:45Crowd gathered outside courthouse during Lindbergh baby trial as wife of suspect arrives
"outlaw kidnappers" / shot of exterior of home of george weyerhaeuser, kidnapping victim, in tacoma, washington / still photo of george weyerhaeuser... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage01:31Kidnappings in US
traffic on street with snow falling / shot of exterior of white house, snow falling and snow on ground / gate to driveway of white house / traffic on... - bruno hauptmann stock videos & royalty-free footage00:43Snow in Washington, DC, and in Flemington, NJ, where accused kidnapper of Lindbergh baby Bruno Richard Hauptmann is being tried