montage bombed out and destroyed buildings / london, england, united kingdom - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:17MONTAGE Bombed out and destroyed buildings / London, England, United Kingdom
shots of people stripping dead horses for meat / shots of horse skeletal remains in the street / shot of an old man who is helped down the street by... - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:19Tragedy In Warsaw Among The Starving
/ troops marching along the harbor / tanks, artillery and planes on the ground in rows / supreme commander dwight eisenhower conferring with general... - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:59D-Day: build up and beginning
building collapsing after an air attack / poland - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:051944 WS building collapsing after an air attack / Poland
wide shot of young boy feeding pigeons with warsaw buildings in the background / shots of nazi columns of soldiers crossing a river on a pontoon... - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:45Tragedy In Warsaw As German Troops Descend Upon The City
soldiers on landing craft + walking thru water toward normandy beach / d-day - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:08B/W 1944 REAR VIEW soldiers on landing craft + walking thru water toward Normandy beach / D-Day
day beach landing of allied soldiers - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:54WWII D-Day beach landing of Allied soldiers
map of rome depicts allied invasion / aerial footage of rome cityscape and river / street scene with bus / shots of the colosseum and roman ruins /... - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:35Rome and Vatican City
american g.i.s board ships to head across the english channel to normandy beaches in the run-up to d-day, june 6 1944. colorized content. - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:20D-Day Soldiers getting on ships leaving for invasion of Europe
aerial of gomel / montage of russian soldiers marching through gomel / montage of soldiers knocking german signs down in russian cities / female mp... - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:34Russian Soldiers Travel Through Gomel
allied troops marching through paris / injured soldier being lifted out of the water, soldiers being treated for their wound, soldiers in firefight... - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:221944 A Year Of Achievement Highlighting Wounded Soldiers
troops running in the forest / bomb exploding / soldier helping a man to take cover / soldier leaping into hole for cover / soldier coving his head... - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:171944 MONTAGE Troops of the 36th Infantry Division and 143rd Regiment fighting against the German Army / San Pietro, Italy
montage of nazi officers looking at a map on a table, close ups of individual officers / profile shot of heinrich himmler standing at attention in ss... - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:19Heinrich Himmler Now Rules Germany
general douglas macarthur and soldiers walk through jungle / animated map, featuring japanese naval approach / japanese plane fleet, flying over... - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:25Naval Battles With Japanese in Philippines, Douglas MacArthur
montage of smoking hillside, explosions, flames. - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:06Allied Blitz To Germany Nearly Complete
b/w 1944 traffic + people crossing street on main street of town in winter / lexington, nc - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:05B/W 1944 traffic + people crossing street on Main Street of town in Winter / Lexington, NC
british troops going ashore at utah beach / normandy, france - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:201944 MONTAGE British troops going ashore at Utah Beach / Normandy, France
high angle soldiers exiting landing craft into water walking toward normandy beach / d-day - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:07B/W 1944 high angle soldiers exiting landing craft into water walking toward Normandy beach / D-Day
allied invasion fleet make way to normandy beaches on d-day, june 6 1944. colorized content. - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:14D-Day June 6, 1944 Allied Invasion fleet heading to Normandy
americans on higgins boats land on normandy beaches on d-day, june 6 1944. colorized content. - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:23D-Day June 6, 1944 - American soldiers land on Normandy beaches
and "55th birthday of hitler 20 april 1944"/ vo german language narration throughout / a huge eagle emblem with wings outspread standing on a wreath... - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:30Adolf Hitler's 55th birthday
1944 montage church in port in town of harfleur with boats in harbor / france - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:211944 MONTAGE Church in port in town of Harfleur with boats in harbor / France
map shows a swastika over germany and the directions from which ally forces are attacking berlin / map shows the offensives of ussr armies on eastern... - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:44Ally Armies Converge On Berlin
1944 montage paris street scenes and people, art on the street / france - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:131944 MONTAGE Paris street scenes and people, art on the street / France
admiral miklos horthy pins medal on collaborationist general kornel oszlanyi in crowded room - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:53WWII Admiral Miklos Horthy pins medal on collaborationist General Kornel Oszlanyi in crowded room
/ animated map of beaches in normandy as voice over explains how the allies entered france / adolf hitler with his men consulting map / german... - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:22Resulting fallout from D-Day invasion
anti-german post-war propaganda; nazi german soldiers marching; dead bodies lying in street (including young women; women do heil hitler salute;... - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:21WWII montage, various locations and dates.
airplanes drop bombs on railway targets on the ground / luneburg, germany - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:231944 AERIAL Airplanes drop bombs on railway targets on the ground / Luneburg, Germany
dead bodies on beach - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:49WWII D-Day beach landing of Allied soldiers
shots of resistance fighters painting on public walls with the word verloren which means forsaken / shots of painted slogans converting swastikas to... - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:37Tragedy In Warsaw As Underground Movement Gains Momentum
british soldiers in landing craft heading to normandy beaches on d-day, june 6 1944. colorized content. - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:03D-Day June 6, 1944 - British soldiers heading to beaches of Normandy
montage small groups of children playing in the street / dundee, scotland, united kingdom - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:53MONTAGE Small groups of children playing in the street / Dundee, Scotland, United Kingdom
1944 montage bricklayers laying brick, mixing cement, and building scaffolding / london, england, united kingdom - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:561944 MONTAGE bricklayers laying brick, mixing cement, and building scaffolding / London, England, United Kingdom
dead german soldier / dead german soldier in stretcher / dead german soldier lying on the ground - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:091944 MONTAGE German soldiers killed in action / San Pietro, Italy
december 1944 montage battle of the bulge combat action scenes as german tanks and troops counterattack / belgium - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:19December 1944 MONTAGE Battle of the Bulge combat action scenes as German tanks and troops counterattack / Belgium
actual combat footage of wwii dogfighting / germany - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:061944 MONTAGE actual combat footage of WWII dogfighting / Germany
people pulling horse harness from the high water - soviet troops moving through muddy road - armoured vehicle moving sunk in mud - soviet soldiers... - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:15Red Army in Bad Weather, Muddy Conditions
colonel claire chennault and the american flying tigers arrive to help china prepares defend against japan - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:39WWII, Colonel Claire Chennault and the American Flying Tigers arrive to help China prepares defend against Japan
ship cannons firing / cannon shot creates smoke ring / explosions light up the night / bombers soften up the shore / battleships in combat. - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:24Ships Battle For Hollandia At Night
footage from allied raid on dieppe / explosions in a field / nazi soldiers coming out of underground stairway / nazi soldiers with rifles running... - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:43Allies Suffer Casualties At Dieppe
shots of the rubble and ruins inside warsaw ghetto / tilt down shot of nazi poster listing poles killed at lublin / shot of member of polish... - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:30Tragedy In Warsaw As Resistance Fighters Start To Plan
flak in sky / us carrier / uss iowa firing, small batteries on uss iowa firing / big guns on uss iowa fire / large explosion / graphic with score of... - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:18Naval Battles With Japanese in Philippines, USS Iowa
animated map / us fleet / american flag flying on boat, sailors standing near / uss iowa fires / fighter planes taking off from carrier / aerial... - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:37Naval Battles With Japanese in Philippines, Japanese Plane Hit
montage of giant flames at night, soldiers in silhouette / a map highlights the shrinking nazi territory. - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:23Allied Blitz To Germany Spreads Trail Of Flames
winston churchill steps off a train car, flashes v for victory / montage of churchill surrounded by crowd, president franklin roosevelt shaking hands... - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:22Allied Victory Meeting And Arrival Of Winston Churchill In Quebec
/ landing craft hits shore and soldiers pile out / from soldiers view of beach / hundreds of soldiers wading through the water. d-day beach landings... - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:19D-Day beach landings
german officers get out from headquarters and surrender with white flags on buldings audio / berlin, germany - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:19MS German officers get out from headquarters and surrender with white flags on buldings AUDIO / Berlin, Germany
view of liberated european prisoners in berlin audio / berlin, germany - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:20MS View of liberated european prisoners in berlin AUDIO / Berlin, Germany
wide angle of world war ii soldiers taking group photograph standing in front of large crucifix. war photographer is visible. - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:12WIDE ANGLE OF WORLD WAR II SOLDIERS TAKING GROUP PHOTOGRAPH STANDING IN FRONT OF LARGE CRUCIFIX. WAR PHOTOGRAPHER IS VISIBLE.
stalin and molotov putting ballot paper in box at kremlin / moscow, russia, audio - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:45Russian Soviet Archival Footage 1898-1939
close up joseph stalin in uniform looking up outdoors / documentary - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:02B/W 1944 close up Joseph Stalin in uniform looking up outdoors / documentary
joseph stalin and winston churchill after their meeting in moscow at tolstoy conference - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:31Joseph Stalin and Winston Churchill after their meeting in Moscow at Tolstoy Conference
wide shot 101st airborne division soldiers in uniform marching right before d-day / england - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:051944 wide shot 101st Airborne Division soldiers in uniform marching right before D-Day / England
/ gun ships firing / soldiers being moved inland by military landing crafts as ships provide cover / soldiers on the beach moving towards cover /... - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:50D-Day: establishing the beachhead
. - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:221944 MONTAGE British troops wading ashore to Utah Beach / Normandy, France
landing crafts heading for coast / landing crafts heading for coast / soldiers aboard landing craft / solders aboard landing craft / soldiers sitting... - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:161944 MONTAGE US Troops land at Normandy June 6, 1944 / France
german soldiers march from the colosseum as a crowd looks on / a tank rolls by / nazis leave by bicycle, horse and buggy, and on foot / outside rome,... - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:25Last Days Of German Occupation In Rome
june 6, 1944 soldiers carrying guns run in water to beach at normandy, france / d-day / doc. - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:01B/W June 6, 1944 soldiers carrying guns run in water to beach at Normandy, France / D-Day / doc.
/ ships firing on each other, explosions and american soldier narrative / more troops arrive at omaha beach during d-day invasion / soldiers march... - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:16D-Day Omaha Beach Landing
soldiers walk through water to shore, bulldozer is driven onto land / normandy, france - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:261944 MONTAGE Soldiers walk through water to shore, bulldozer is driven onto land / Normandy, France
battleship firing / artillery guns firing / sv artillery gun firing / sv soldiers in helmets watching / battleship / sv troops climbing over railing... - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:101944 MONTAGE US Battleship firing / HA Artillery guns firing / SV Artillery gun firing / SV Soldiers in helmets watching / MS Battleship / SV Troops climbing over railing / HA Soldiers boarding amphibious landing craft / Coast of Normandy
american soldiers pull wounded ashore / soldiers crowded on the beach line looking despondent / dead lined up in the sand next to the living /... - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:29D-Day landing on Omaha Beach
soldiers on deck / soldiers climbing overboard / soldiers descending rope ladder june 6, 1944 / normandy coast - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:041944 MONTAGE MS Soldiers on deck / MS Soldiers climbing overboard / HA Soldiers descending rope ladder June 6, 1944 / Normandy Coast
day - allied planes bomb normandy in advance of d-day invasion - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:24WWII D-Day - Allied planes bomb Normandy in advance of D-day invasion
day - us troops train in maryland in prepartion for normandy invasion - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:49WWII D-Day - US troops train in Maryland in prepartion for Normandy invasion
crowds cheer as american soldiers ride in tanks down the champs elysees in paris during world war ii. - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:21Crowds cheer as American soldiers ride in tanks down the Champs Elysees in Paris during World War II.
soldiers and vehicles moving forward on foot and by tank up the mountain road, moving vehicles along the mountain / montage of soldiers as they make... - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:47Battle At Monte Cassino And Preparation For Bombardment
liberator b24 bombing raid over normandy during operation overlord in wwii - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:22Attacking Coast on D-Day
american paratroopers strap on parachutes and take off in douglas c-47 as part of pre-d-day paradrop in normandy on june 5, 1944. colorized content. - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:21D-Day Minus One - American Paratroopers take off in C-47 to Normandy
american and british warships open fire on normandy beaches and hitler's atlantic wall on d-day, june 6 1944. colorized content. - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:18D-Day - Allied Ships Open Fire at Normandy Beaches
american ships land on normandy beaches post d-day. soldiers head to higher ground in newly-liberated france, june 7 1944. colorized content. - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:14D-Day - Americans post June 6 Normandy Beaches
soldiers wading toward beach, pulling inflatable boat / men helping wounded soldier onto beach / soldier standing on beach / soldiers standing on... - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:161944 MONTAGE US Army soldiers landing on Omaha Beach, June 6, 1944 / Normandy, France
boat on stormy sea / bow of ship crashing through wave / man looking at sea with binoculars / waves crash on floating dock / man holding onto rope /... - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:171944 MONTAGE boat on stormy sea / HA bow of ship crashing through wave / MS man looking at sea with binoculars / LS waves crash on floating dock / MS man holding onto rope / MS men in boats / MS boats driven shore
day - us navy on its way to normandy beaches - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:53WWII D-Day - US Navy on its way to Normandy beaches
utah beach in normandy, france - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:20Utah Beach in Normandy, France
/ looking down at the allied forces stationed on the beaches of normandy / soldiers review clipboard / ships and soldiers milling about / tanks,... - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:35Setting up on beaches after D-Day invasion
b/w rear car point of view past theatres in nyc at night in winter - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:06B/W rear car point of view past theatres in NYC at night in winter
superimposed over aerial of normandy / aerial d-day normandy beach / landing boats near beach, soldiers in water / soldiers wade through water /... - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:0410th anniversary of D-Day, with WWII footage and ceremony at Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial, 1954
allied soldiers on landing craft tanks approach the beaches of normandy for the d-day invasion during world war ii. - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:09Allied soldiers on landing craft tanks approach the beaches of Normandy for the D-Day invasion during World War II.
military police and troops on green beach / normandy, france - 1944 1944 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:221944 MONTAGE military police and troops on Green Beach / Normandy, France