southern tamandua, also called the collared anteater or lesser anteater - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage00:20southern tamandua, also called the collared anteater or lesser anteater
tamandua bandeira in nature (anteater) - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage00:09Tamandua Bandeira in nature (anteater)
tamandua sniffs branch then scratches and sticks its tongue out, brazil - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage00:39Tamandua sniffs branch then scratches and sticks its tongue out, Brazil
compilation of the arboreal animals in pantanal - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage00:07Compilation of the arboreal animals in Pantanal
southern tamandua anteater - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage00:29Southern Tamandua Anteater
southern tamandua, also called the collared anteater or lesser anteater - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage00:26southern tamandua, also called the collared anteater or lesser anteater
southern tamandua anteater - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage00:24Southern Tamandua Anteater
southern tamandua anteater - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage00:25Southern Tamandua Anteater
tamandua rips into ball shaped ants' nest on tree to eat ants, brazil - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage00:32Tamandua rips into ball shaped ants' nest on tree to eat ants, Brazil
compilation of an adult giant anteater walking through the grass with an offspring clinging to her back, a coati scratching its back, and a tamandua stretching from one tree branch to another - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage00:07Compilation of an adult giant anteater walking through the grass with an offspring clinging to her back, a coati scratching its back, and a tamandua stretching from one tree branch to another
tamandua licks ants off of swollen tree trunk, brazil - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage00:17Tamandua licks ants off of swollen tree trunk, Brazil
collared anteater probes termite mound with long sticky tongue - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11Collared anteater probes termite mound with long sticky tongue
tamandua eats ants from end of branch, brazil - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11Tamandua eats ants from end of branch, Brazil
tamandua licks ants off of tree trunk, brazil - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage00:21Tamandua licks ants off of tree trunk, Brazil
southern tamandua anteater - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage00:28Southern Tamandua Anteater
tamandua climbs down tree head first in a shower of dust and bark, brazil - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage00:06Tamandua climbs down tree head first in a shower of dust and bark, Brazil
ant eater walking (tamandua tetradactyla) - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage00:07Ant Eater Walking (Tamandua tetradactyla)
trees close together, dense foliage, vegetation, silky anteater climbing tree, vs tamandua climbing down tree & onto ground, walking. mammal,... - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage00:281971: BARRO COLORADO ISLAND: TROPICAL FOREST
tamandua climbs head first down tree trunk, brazil - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11Tamandua climbs head first down tree trunk, Brazil
southern tamandua anteater - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage00:20Southern Tamandua Anteater
southern tamandua anteater - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage00:26Southern Tamandua Anteater
southern tamandua anteater - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage00:20Southern Tamandua Anteater
london zoo carries out annual weigh-in; england: london: london zoo: ext **intermittent flashlight photography throughout** various shots of... - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage04:18London Zoo carries out annual weigh-in
tamandua climbs slowly down tree trunk then runs back up, brazil - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage00:12Tamandua climbs slowly down tree trunk then runs back up, Brazil
tamandua walks towards camera along fallen tree as it looks for ants, brazil - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage00:16Tamandua walks towards camera along fallen tree as it looks for ants, Brazil
tamandua walks along fallen tree past camera, brazil - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage00:07Tamandua walks along fallen tree past camera, Brazil
tamandua claws into ants nest in canopy, then slips, but clings on with tail, brazil - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage00:16Tamandua claws into ants nest in canopy, then slips, but clings on with tail, Brazil
tamandua claws into ants nest in canopy, brazil - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage00:03Tamandua claws into ants nest in canopy, Brazil
tamandua breaks into ant nest in tree, brazil - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage00:33Tamandua breaks into ant nest in tree, Brazil
tamandua climbs down branch towards camera, brazil - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage00:20Tamandua climbs down branch towards camera, Brazil
tamandua climbs tree amongst foliage, brazil - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage00:18Tamandua climbs tree amongst foliage, Brazil
collared anteater clambers for cover in rainstorm - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage00:19Collared anteater clambers for cover in rainstorm
tamandua climbs tree, central america. - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage00:24Tamandua climbs tree, Central America.
volunteer working with wild animals at a refuge in bolivia recently published the adorable interaction between a howler monkey and an anteater who... - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage01:03Howler Monkey and Anteater Compete for Carer's Attention
ir tamandua climbs head first down tree trunk, brazil. - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage00:12IR Tamandua climbs head first down tree trunk, Brazil.
ir tamandua forages at night, brazil. - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11IR Tamandua forages at night, Brazil.
ir lesser anteater scratches using back leg, brazil. - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage00:07IR Lesser anteater scratches using back leg, Brazil.
anteater walks in the forest - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage00:14Anteater walks in the forest
collared anteater (tamandua), mcu anteater looks at camera, climbs tree, ants nest in f/g, panama - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11Collared Anteater (Tamandua), MCU anteater looks at camera, climbs tree, ants nest in f/g, Panama
collared anteater (tamandua), cu anteater claws at ants nest, feeding, pulls out, panama - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage00:22Collared Anteater (Tamandua), CU anteater claws at ants nest, feeding, pulls out, Panama
collared anteater (tamandua), mcu anteater in tree, feeds on ants, climbs up tree trunk . . ., panama - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage00:49Collared Anteater (Tamandua), MCU anteater in tree, feeds on ants, climbs up tree trunk . . ., Panama
collared anteater (tamandua), cu anteater hanging upside down in tree, feeds on ants . . ., panama - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage00:33Collared Anteater (Tamandua), CU anteater hanging upside down in tree, feeds on ants . . ., Panama
collared anteater (tamandua), cu anteater hanging upside down in tree, feeds on ants, panama - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage00:26Collared Anteater (Tamandua), CU anteater hanging upside down in tree, feeds on ants, Panama
collared anteater (tamandua), ms anteater in tree, raiding ants nest/feeding, zooms in, panama - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage01:03Collared Anteater (Tamandua), MS anteater in tree, raiding ants nest/feeding, zooms in, Panama
video footage taken on sept. 17 at the izu shaboten zoo in ito, shizuoka prefecture, shows a newborn southern tamandua , also called the collared... - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage01:25Young anteater gets special attention at Shizuoka Prefecture zoo
tamanduas are a petite anteater found in forests and grasslands throughout central and southern america. the baby tamandua in this video is quite the... - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage01:11This Baby Tamandua Is One Particularily Affectionate Anteater
this adventurous anteater resides in criadouro onca pintada, a jaguar breeding project based in campina grande do sul, brazil. the chap climbing in... - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage01:24Anteater Takes to the Trees in a Quest to Find Ants
this adorable 6-month-old rescued anteater lost her mother when she was very young and had to be rescued and hand-raised, which means getting... - tamandua anteater stock videos & royalty-free footage00:59Young rescued anteater enjoying some tasty termite treats