thomas buhls, a member of the ku klux klan, kkk, stages a one man rally at the monroe county courthouse, by holding a sign with an american and a... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:38Thomas Buhls holds a one man KKK Rally
thomas buhls, a member of the ku klux klan, kkk, stages a one man rally at the monroe county courthouse, by holding a sign with an american and a... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:29Thomas Buhls holds a one man KKK Rally
thomas buhls, a member of the ku klux klan, kkk, stages a one man rally at the monroe county courthouse, by holding a sign with an american and a... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:38Thomas Buhls holds a one man KKK Rally
thomas buhls, a member of the ku klux klan, kkk, stages a one man rally at the monroe county courthouse, by holding a sign with an american and a... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:45Thomas Buhls holds a one man KKK Rally
thomas buhls, a member of the ku klux klan, kkk, stages a one man rally at the monroe county courthouse, by holding a sign with an american and a... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11Thomas Buhls holds a one man KKK Rally
thomas buhls, a member of the ku klux klan, kkk, stages a one man rally at the monroe county courthouse, by holding a sign with an american and a... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:17Thomas Buhls holds a one man KKK Rally
thomas buhls, a member of the ku klux klan, kkk, stages a one man rally at the monroe county courthouse, by holding a sign with an american and a... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:52Thomas Buhls holds a one man KKK Rally
thomas buhls, a member of the ku klux klan, kkk, stages a one man rally at the monroe county courthouse, by holding a sign with an american and a... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:23Thomas Buhls holds a one man KKK Rally
thomas buhls, a member of the ku klux klan, kkk, stages a one man rally at the monroe county courthouse, by holding a sign with an american and a... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:17Thomas Buhls holds a one man "White Heritage" Rally
nnbs332h) - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:05Shot of a pro-Confederate flag demonstrator in front of South Carolina State House
protesters in front of walmart expressing their anger over the confederate flag in the wake of the killing of african americans at a south carolina... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:19Protesters Expressing Their Anger Over The Confederate Flag
protesters in front of walmart burning paper confederate flags in the wake of the killing of african americans at a south carolina church. - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:24Protesters in Front Of Walmart Burning Paper Confederate Flag
protesters in front of walmart burning paper confederate flags in the wake of the killing of african americans at a south carolina church. - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage01:20Protesters in Front Of Walmart Burning Paper Confederate Flags
several thousand protesters gather under the controversial confederate flag at south carolinas state legislature demanding it be taken down in... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage02:50CLEAN : Protesters target Confederate flag after Charleston killings
residents of south carolina, still shaken by the unthinkable murder of nine african americans, planned protests across the state saturday, including... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage01:03CLEAN : Protests planned over the flying of the Confederate flag
two groups of demonstrators, one supporting and the other protesting the police, faced off on june 12, 2015 in mckinney, texas. one group waved... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:50Police Protesters Rallying After McKinney Pool Incident
two groups of demonstrators, one supporting and the other protesting the police, faced off on june 12, 2015 in mckinney, texas. one group waved... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:59Police Protesters Rallying After McKinney Pool Incident
people burn a flag of confederate states of america outside the western district police station as protesters gather prior to a march in honor of... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:26Protests Continue After Death Of Baltimore Man While In Police Custody
native americans, who have for many years rallied for the removal of confederate statues across the country, gathered and sang traditional chants... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage01:27US: Native American Protesters Gather Around Toppled Columbus Statue In Minnesota
group of demonstrators burned a confederate flag, a blue lives matter flag, and a us flag on hollywood boulevard in protest of the policies of... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage02:20US: Protesters Against Donald Trump Burn US Flag On Independence Day
member of sons of confederate veterans says 'union history is being attacked' as he holds flag during a rally on april 6, 2024 in bedminster, new... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage01:18INTERVIEW - Supporters Of Former President Trump Hold Rally In Bedminster, New Jersey
member of sons of confederate veterans holds a flag and speaks during a rally on april 6, 2024 in bedminster, new jersey. former president trump's... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage01:46INTERVIEW - Supporters Of Former President Trump Hold Rally In Bedminster, New Jersey
wide shot of a troupe of unidentifiable majorettes in sequins marching out onto a football field waving confederate flags in the usa; 1962. - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:04WS majorettes in sequins waving Confederate flags; 1962
men and women holding signs and confederate flags protesting desegregation of schools, civil rights era and black history in america, segregated... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage01:06Men and women holding signs and Confederate flags protesting desegregation of schools, Civil Rights Era and Black History in America, Segregated Schools and Education
music is played as demonstrators wearing shirts with u.s. and confederate flags dance in the rain with signs and flags at the second mother of all... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11The Mother Of All Rallies Held For Second Time
woman holds a sign a chants "donald trump" as jovi val carries a confederate flag and then argues with other demonstrators at a rally in support of... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:26Hundreds Rally in Support Of President Trump Outside Trump Tower In NYC
confederate flag burns on the street on august 15, 2020 in stone mountain, georgia. multiple groups were slated to converge on stone mountain park as... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:14SLOW-MO - Militia Groups Gather In Stone Mountain Area
protesters confront a man displaying a confederate battle flag on august 15, 2020 in stone mountain, georgia. multiple groups were slated to converge... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage01:29Militia Groups Gather In Stone Mountain Area
protesters confront a man displaying a confederate battle flag on august 15, 2020 in stone mountain, georgia. multiple groups were slated to converge... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:15Militia Groups Gather In Stone Mountain Area
confederate battle flag burns on the street on august 15, 2020 in stone mountain, georgia. multiple groups were slated to converge on stone mountain... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:20SLOW-MO - Militia Groups Gather In Stone Mountain Area
protesters use an aerosol can to burn a confederate battle flag on august 15, 2020 in stone mountain, georgia. multiple groups were slated to... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:25Militia Groups Gather In Stone Mountain Area
man burns a confederate battle flag on august 15, 2020 in stone mountain, georgia. multiple groups were slated to converge on stone mountain park as... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:25Militia Groups Gather In Stone Mountain Area
this footage was filmed and produced 6 january 2021. a day that began with thousands of president trump's supporters in washington for demonstrations... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage01:48Pro-Trump Rioters Storm U. S. Capitol, Usa
for over a week now, thousands of truck drivers in canada continue their protest against the government's covid-19 restrictions and vaccine mandate.... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage04:09Truckers continue anti-vaccine protests across Canada
democrat raphael warnock wins in georgia as trump supporters protest in washington; usa: washington dc: ext various shots of pro-trump supporters... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:28Democrat Raphael Warnock wins in Georgia as Trump supporters protest in Washington
pro-trump protesters storm us capitol building; usa: washington dc: us capitol building: ext pro-trump protesters climbing up concrete wall onto... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:25Pro-Trump protesters storm US Capitol Building
1950s people walking at demonstration with signs + confederate flags / new orleans, low angle / newsreel - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:02B/W 1950s people walking at demonstration with signs + Confederate flags / New Orleans, low angle / newsreel
on one side, a general robert e lee look-alike waves a large confederate flag, facing off against counter-protesters on the other bearing placards... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage02:47CLEAN : Legacy of racism touches election, everyday life in US South
whites demonstrate against integration in new orleans, louisiana. - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:07Whites demonstrate against integration in New Orleans, Louisiana.
whites demonstrate against integration in new orleans, louisiana. - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:08Whites demonstrate against integration in New Orleans, Louisiana.
whites demonstrate against integration in new orleans, louisiana. - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:08Whites demonstrate against integration in New Orleans, Louisiana.
whites demonstrate against integration in new orleans, louisiana. - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:06Whites demonstrate against integration in New Orleans, Louisiana.
september 12, 2020 - lawrenceburg, indiana usa: trump supporters leave a parking lot near i-275 near lawrenceburg to participate in a trump parade,... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:09Trump supporters leave a parking lot in Lawrenceburg, Indiana before the Trump Parade vehicle caravan
september 12, 2020 - lawrenceburg, indiana usa: trump supporters leave a parking lot near i-275 near lawrenceburg to participate in a trump parade,... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:28Trump supporters leave a parking lot in Lawrenceburg, Indiana before the Trump Parade vehicle caravan
september 12, 2020 - lawrenceburg, indiana usa: combo american and confederate flag. trump supporters wait in a parking lot near i-275 near... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:28Trump supporters gather in a parking lot in Lawrenceburg, Indiana before the Trump Parade vehicle caravan
september 12, 2020 - lawrenceburg, indiana usa: boy touching trump flag. trump supporters wait in a parking lot near i-275 near lawrenceburg to... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:13A boy holds onto a MAGA flag. Trump supporters gather in a parking lot in Lawrenceburg, Indiana before the Trump Parade vehicle caravan
protesters during the "unite the right" rally march under a banner that reads "diversity make us stronger" in charlottesville, virginia. - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:23Protesters in Charlottesville
september 12, 2020 - lawrenceburg, indiana usa: a trump supporter dressed as uncle sam wears shirt with the american and confederate flags as trump... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:08A Trump supporter dressed as Uncle Sam wears shirt with the American and Confederate flags as Trump supporters gather in a parking lot in Lawrenceburg, Indiana before the Trump Parade vehicle caravan...
white protesters wave the confederate flag and shout their objections to integration , april 23, 1965. - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:06White protesters wave the Confederate flag and shout their objections to integration (location unknown), April 23, 1965.
washington state congresswoman pramila jayapal continues in questioning attorney general william barr at a house judiciary committee oversight... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage01:20Congresswoman Jayapal accuses Trump administration of activating forces selectively against protesters nationwide
black lives matter protesters march in graham, north carolina, and face off with a group of people holding confederate flags, opposed to the removal... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage04:24CLEAN : In North Carolina, Black Lives Matter protesters face off against opponents of Confederate statue removal
columbia, south carolina, usa: democratic nomination hopeful joe biden speaks during a primary night rally at the university of south carolina in... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:48Democratic nomination hopeful Joe Biden speaks after he won the 2020 South Carolina Primary
gvs from jackson, mississippi where a rally is being held to preserve the confederate flag. - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:07Confederate flag t-shirt at rally, medium shot
people armed with handguns at confederate flag rally, montage - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:13People armed with handguns at confederate flag rally, montage
pan across cemetery on cloudy day, wide shot - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:14Pan across cemetery on cloudy day, wide shot
wood being fed into fire for barbecue at restaurant, medium shot - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11Wood being fed into fire for barbecue at restaurant, medium shot
confederate flags flying on back of truck driving down highway, one says ride or die - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11Confederate flags flying on back of truck driving down highway, one says Ride or Die
confederate flag flies on back of truck in parking lot, medium shot - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:10Confederate flag flies on back of truck in parking lot, medium shot
american and confederate flags fly side by side in jackson, medium shot - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:10American and confederate flags fly side by side in Jackson, medium shot
confederate flags fly on truck, tilt up - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:05Confederate flags fly on truck, tilt up
confederate flags flying on back of truck driving down highway, motorcycle follows - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11Confederate flags flying on back of truck driving down highway, motorcycle follows
confederate flags flying on back of truck driving down highway, motorcycle follows - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:12Confederate flags flying on back of truck driving down highway, motorcycle follows
sunlight shines behind american and confederate flags, medium shot pan - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:16Sunlight shines behind American and confederate flags, medium shot pan
gvs from jackson, mississippi where a rally is being held to preserve the confederate flag. - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:16People at confederate flag rally and musical performance in Jackson, montage
gvs from jackson, mississippi where a rally is being held to preserve the confederate flag. - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:28Pan across people at confederate flag rally during musical performance in Jackson, wide shot
gvs from jackson, mississippi where a rally is being held to preserve the confederate flag. - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:07Women shop for confederate flags ahead of rally in Jackson, wide shot
gvs from jackson, mississippi where a rally is being held to preserve the confederate flag. - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:09Confederate flag t-shirt at rally, medium shot
gvs from jackson, mississippi where a rally is being held to preserve the confederate flag. - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11People at confederate flag rally listen to speech holding flags, wide shot
gvs from jackson, mississippi where a rally is being held to preserve the confederate flag. - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:10People at confederate flag rally waving flags, push in
announced kkk white supremacist rally at stone mountain georgia confederate monument shut down by antifa counter protesters who burn effigy - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage02:02KKK Rally Shut Down in Stone Mountain Georgia Antifa Burn Effigy
members of the satanic temple are trying to install a statue of baphomet in protest of religious freedom on the capitol’s lawn. - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:10Man flies Confederate flag during Satanic Temple rally in Arkansas, wide shot
november 2 southport, indiana: trump supporters wearing american and confederate flags while waiting in line before president trump arrives to speak... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:21Trump supporters wearing American and Confederate flags while waiting in line before president Trump speaks during a political rally in Indiana
november 2 southport, indiana: trump supporters wearing american and confederate flags while waiting in line before president trump arrives to speak... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:13Trump supporters wearing American and Confederate flags while waiting in line before president Trump speaks during a political rally in Indiana
counter protesters ask drivers to ‘honk if confederates suck,’ as they protest against confederate heritage groups that rallied nearby the jefferson... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:56Confederate Heritage Groups Rally Richmond's Jefferson Davis Monument, After Commission Recommends Removal To Mayor
counter protesters ask drivers to ‘honk if confederates suck,’ as they protest against confederate heritage groups that rallied nearby the jefferson... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:30Confederate Heritage Groups Rally Richmond's Jefferson Davis Monument, After Commission Recommends Removal To Mayor
counter protesters ask drivers to ‘honk if confederates suck,’ as they protest against confederate heritage groups that rallied nearby the jefferson... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:23Confederate Heritage Groups Rally Richmond's Jefferson Davis Monument, After Commission Recommends Removal To Mayor
member of the virginia task force of three percenters, or the 'dixie defenders,' recites a history of the jefferson davis monument during a small... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:23Confederate Heritage Groups Rally Richmond's Jefferson Davis Monument, After Commission Recommends Removal To Mayor
member of the virginia task force of three percenters, or the 'dixie defenders,' recites a history of the jefferson davis monument during a small... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:31Confederate Heritage Groups Rally Richmond's Jefferson Davis Monument, After Commission Recommends Removal To Mayor
member of the virginia task force of three percenters, or the 'dixie defenders,' recites a history of the jefferson davis monument during a small... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:25Confederate Heritage Groups Rally Richmond's Jefferson Davis Monument, After Commission Recommends Removal To Mayor
member of the virginia task force of three percenters, or the 'dixie defenders,' recites a history of the jefferson davis monument during a small... - confederate flag rally stock videos & royalty-free footage00:49Confederate Heritage Groups Rally Richmond's Jefferson Davis Monument, After Commission Recommends Removal To Mayor