Ushers Syndrome

Ushers Syndrome; INT ENGLAND MS Simon Brunton (born severely deaf) seated Nottingham at table playing cards MS Mother at table playing cards with Simon MS Father & sister around table also playing cards CMS Simon (now going blind) CS Belinda Brunton, Mother, intvw SOT - I think if they had some idea that it had been there when he was diagnosed as partially hearing - then to have had both bombshells at once might have helped you cope a bit more MS Woman research scientist performing tests TS Monitoring machine MS SIDE Researcher taking up protein in pipette TCS Protein being put on strip CMS Dr Karen Steel, Medical Research Council, intvw SOT - the main reason for wanting to find this gene is to find out what it is doing to the eye & the ear, then we can perhaps think of some treatments to ameliorate/lessen the effects CS Simon Brunton at table TS Simon's reflection seen on glass table top MS Simon & mother playing cards
Ushers Syndrome; INT ENGLAND MS Simon Brunton (born severely deaf) seated Nottingham at table playing cards MS Mother at table playing cards with Simon MS Father & sister around table also playing cards CMS Simon (now going blind) CS Belinda Brunton, Mother, intvw SOT - I think if they had some idea that it had been there when he was diagnosed as partially hearing - then to have had both bombshells at once might have helped you cope a bit more MS Woman research scientist performing tests TS Monitoring machine MS SIDE Researcher taking up protein in pipette TCS Protein being put on strip CMS Dr Karen Steel, Medical Research Council, intvw SOT - the main reason for wanting to find this gene is to find out what it is doing to the eye & the ear, then we can perhaps think of some treatments to ameliorate/lessen the effects CS Simon Brunton at table TS Simon's reflection seen on glass table top MS Simon & mother playing cards

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Editorial #:
Date created:
02 March, 1995
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