General Election: Tories: Major

General Election: Tories: Major; a)20.45 (Webster,Mark) ENGLAND: Devon: Torquay LAMS PM John Major waves to Tory faithful at election rally BV Major down steps into auditorium TMS Major kisses female supporter on cheek MS Major on platform waves to audience PAN R-L CMS Tory supporters applaud PAN L-R LMS PM John Major speech SOF -The Battle for Britain has begun CMS John Major speech SOF -Its a battle of ideas MS SIDE Audience applauds CMS Woman in audience applauds CS Face of man in audience LMS Major on platform speech SOF - Labour's fatal addiction/ high on tax TLS SIDE Audience applauds MS SIDE Michael Heseltine MP (Environment Sec) Norman Lamont MP (Chancellor) Kenneth Baker MP (Home Sec) and William Waldegrave MP (Health Sec) seated on platform CMS Major on platform as audience applauds PULL OUT speech SOF - PR stands for "Paddy's Roundabout" CMS SIDE Hands of audience applauding LMS Audience gives standing ovation CMS SIDE Major on platform as audience applauds BV Major waves to applauding supporters CMS Major speaking to supporters after speech TRACK BACK TX 14.3.92/20.45
General Election: Tories: Major; a)20.45 (Webster,Mark) ENGLAND: Devon: Torquay LAMS PM John Major waves to Tory faithful at election rally BV Major down steps into auditorium TMS Major kisses female supporter on cheek MS Major on platform waves to audience PAN R-L CMS Tory supporters applaud PAN L-R LMS PM John Major speech SOF -The Battle for Britain has begun CMS John Major speech SOF -Its a battle of ideas MS SIDE Audience applauds CMS Woman in audience applauds CS Face of man in audience LMS Major on platform speech SOF - Labour's fatal addiction/ high on tax TLS SIDE Audience applauds MS SIDE Michael Heseltine MP (Environment Sec) Norman Lamont MP (Chancellor) Kenneth Baker MP (Home Sec) and William Waldegrave MP (Health Sec) seated on platform CMS Major on platform as audience applauds PULL OUT speech SOF - PR stands for "Paddy's Roundabout" CMS SIDE Hands of audience applauding LMS Audience gives standing ovation CMS SIDE Major on platform as audience applauds BV Major waves to applauding supporters CMS Major speaking to supporters after speech TRACK BACK TX 14.3.92/20.45

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Date created:
14 March, 1992
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