ORGANIC FOODS:; **** FOR RUSHES SEE CR861 **** RUSHES NOT KEPT ENGLAND WALES CMS 'Organically grown' sign on packet PULL OUT pile of vegetables TMS Various fruits on display CMS Plastic trays of carrots PULL OUT packers at work TMS Packers packing carrots PAN R-L more packers EXT TCMS Cabbages in field as rake pulled over MS Tractor R-L TCMS Larva-eating caterpillar on cabbage leaf TCMS Cabbages TRACK FORWARD over field CMS Peter Seger (Organic Farmer) intvw SOF recent high growth in demand for products/ need for more organic farms MS Tractor R-L with potato-sorting machine? on back CMS Potatoes bouncing on conveyor belt CMS Tractor towards TCMS Field on cabbages - tractor in BV in b/g INT ENGLAND London CMS John Page (British Agrochemicals Assoc) intvw SOF level of chemicals in products is harmless ? GV Greengrocery section of supermarket PAN R-L Tesco ZOOM IN sign 'Organically Grown Produce' CMS Vox pops shoppers SOF MS Shopper choosing vegetables (obscured by hanging scales) CMS 'Organically grown onions' sign BV Customers looking around greengrocery section TX:1.8.89/NAO
ORGANIC FOODS:; **** FOR RUSHES SEE CR861 **** RUSHES NOT KEPT ENGLAND WALES CMS 'Organically grown' sign on packet PULL OUT pile of vegetables TMS Various fruits on display CMS Plastic trays of carrots PULL OUT packers at work TMS Packers packing carrots PAN R-L more packers EXT TCMS Cabbages in field as rake pulled over MS Tractor R-L TCMS Larva-eating caterpillar on cabbage leaf TCMS Cabbages TRACK FORWARD over field CMS Peter Seger (Organic Farmer) intvw SOF recent high growth in demand for products/ need for more organic farms MS Tractor R-L with potato-sorting machine? on back CMS Potatoes bouncing on conveyor belt CMS Tractor towards TCMS Field on cabbages - tractor in BV in b/g INT ENGLAND London CMS John Page (British Agrochemicals Assoc) intvw SOF level of chemicals in products is harmless ? GV Greengrocery section of supermarket PAN R-L Tesco ZOOM IN sign 'Organically Grown Produce' CMS Vox pops shoppers SOF MS Shopper choosing vegetables (obscured by hanging scales) CMS 'Organically grown onions' sign BV Customers looking around greengrocery section TX:1.8.89/NAO

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Date created:
01 August, 1989
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