Death row: Kenny Richey interview:
Death row: Kenny Richey interview:; USA: Ohio:
GV Guard towers and barbed wire at prison where Briton Kenny Richey is held awaiting execution on death row
GV Ditto
MS Prisoners along corridor behind bars PULL OUT
MS Neely and Richey shake
CMS Richey seated
CMS Richey and Neely chatting (not heard)
CMS Kenny Richey (Prisoner on death row) intvwd SOF
- It was a kangaroo court with a kangaroo prosecutor / they knew I was innocent
CMS Bill Neely questions SOF
- How do you prepare yourself for what may happen?
CMS Kenny Richey intvwd SOF
- "You accept it"
CMS Bars close automatically across corridor
BV Prisoners bound together along corridor
TMS Prisoners chatting through bars (not heard)
TLMS Prisoner's arm hanging through bars of cell
CMS Kenny Richey intvwd SOF
- You just exist on death row
MS Richey speaking on phone as camera crew take pics
CMS Richey speaking on phone SOF
- We're about to go to the Supreme Court
LAGV Electric chair in cell
CMS Leg clamps on electric chair
CMS Leather brace for neck on chair
MS Electric chair in cell
CS Button panel marked "Execute"
Last 5 shots = 13 secs
CMS Kenny Richey intvwd SOF
- Lots of people on death row are innocent and yet people want to execute them
MS Neely i/c SOF & sign off
TX 3.12.92/NAT

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Editorial #:
Date created:
03 December, 1992
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Release info:
Not released. More information
Clip length:
United States
Mastered to:
QuickTime 8-bit Photo-JPEG SD 720x576 25p
Originally shot on:
576 25i
Object name:
- Capital Punishment,
- Prison,
- Telephone,
- USA,
- 1990-1999,
- Archival,
- Asking,
- Barbed Wire,
- Clamp,
- Colour Image,
- Contented Emotion,
- Corridor,
- Crew,
- Crime,
- Death,
- Execution,
- Film - Moving Image,
- Gulf Coast States,
- Hanging,
- ITV News At Ten,
- Interview - Event,
- Kangaroo,
- Law,
- Ohio,
- People,
- Preparation,
- Prosecutor,
- Pull Out - Camera Movement,
- Raw Footage,
- Real Time - Footage,
- Report - Produced Segment,
- Sitting,
- Talking,
- Texas,
- Tied Up,
- Tower,
- Video with Sound,
- Waiting,