Afghanistan in crisis with 9 million desperate people on brink of famine

Afghanistan in crisis with 9 million desperate people on brink of famine; **THIS VIDEO CONTAINS DISTRESSING IMAGES** AFGHANISTAN: Kabul: EXT Various of children polishing shoes to earn money INT Interior of rundown dwelling Stove Sick baby crying Zia Gul (Widow) interview SOT (subtitled) (distressed) - I'm desperate. We're beaten. There is no more we can do. God knows, I have nothing. EXT Armed man Armed men on balcony of building with barbed wire fence in foreground Feet standing on muddy ground Various shots of poor children Close shot of hands holding beads Tawood Khan (Community leader) interview SOT (translated by reporter) Reporter along through gate Young girl standing in doorway as translator says her father is ready to sell her SOT Sahib Khan (School teacher) INT Books on shelves inside dwelling Crying girl Sahib Khan (School teacher) interview SOT (subtitled) - The Tablian say we have peace, but what good is peace when our children are sick and I have debt collectors at my door. - [on trying to sell his daughter] There is nothing else I can do. I am not able to care for her. CUTAWAY Crying girl EXT Various of poverty-stricken children Reporter to camera SOT Indira Gandhi Children's Hospital: INT Various of malnourished baby Hasibula lying on bed in children's hospital Malnourished baby Amina struggling to breathe Close shot of hand touching baby Various of mother sitting at baby's Amina bedside Baby Amina struggling to breathe Hospital worker with oxygen tanks (?) Close shot of medical equipment Patients and medical workers in hospital ward Sick child Dr Mohammed Sadiq (Medical Director, Indira Ghandi Children's Hospital) interview SOT Close shot of baby's foot Premature baby in incubator Two babies lying in incubator SEQUENCE Various of doctor treating baby (Muhammed Anwar) who has stopped breathing - he starts breathing again SOT Woman crying Various of newborn baby...
Afghanistan in crisis with 9 million desperate people on brink of famine; **THIS VIDEO CONTAINS DISTRESSING IMAGES** AFGHANISTAN: Kabul: EXT Various of children polishing shoes to earn money INT Interior of rundown dwelling Stove Sick baby crying Zia Gul (Widow) interview SOT (subtitled) (distressed) - I'm desperate. We're beaten. There is no more we can do. God knows, I have nothing. EXT Armed man Armed men on balcony of building with barbed wire fence in foreground Feet standing on muddy ground Various shots of poor children Close shot of hands holding beads Tawood Khan (Community leader) interview SOT (translated by reporter) Reporter along through gate Young girl standing in doorway as translator says her father is ready to sell her SOT Sahib Khan (School teacher) INT Books on shelves inside dwelling Crying girl Sahib Khan (School teacher) interview SOT (subtitled) - The Tablian say we have peace, but what good is peace when our children are sick and I have debt collectors at my door. - [on trying to sell his daughter] There is nothing else I can do. I am not able to care for her. CUTAWAY Crying girl EXT Various of poverty-stricken children Reporter to camera SOT Indira Gandhi Children's Hospital: INT Various of malnourished baby Hasibula lying on bed in children's hospital Malnourished baby Amina struggling to breathe Close shot of hand touching baby Various of mother sitting at baby's Amina bedside Baby Amina struggling to breathe Hospital worker with oxygen tanks (?) Close shot of medical equipment Patients and medical workers in hospital ward Sick child Dr Mohammed Sadiq (Medical Director, Indira Ghandi Children's Hospital) interview SOT Close shot of baby's foot Premature baby in incubator Two babies lying in incubator SEQUENCE Various of doctor treating baby (Muhammed Anwar) who has stopped breathing - he starts breathing again SOT Woman crying Various of newborn baby...

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Date created:
17 January, 2022
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