The Soviet Army, Navy and Marines retake Novorossiysk after day and night battles during World War II
Aerial view of harbor and buildings with smokestacks / CU Soviet officers exit building / CU officers stand outside and confer about map / CU Soviet Naval officers stand near boats in harbor and talk / POV Soviet Black Sea fleet in harbor as smaller boat speed past them with sailor's head in view / MS tanks on barge / CU wrecked tank in foreground, military trucks roll by on train in background / MS truck rolls by with armed soldiers aboard, artillery gun is pulled by truck / tilt down trucks carrying soldiers cross bridge / VS flashes of light from artillery at night / MS Soviet Katyusha rocket guns firing at night / MS camouflaged artillery gun fires in daytime / VS artillery guns fired from mountains and near ocean / VS soldiers, sailor and marines (known at the time as Russian Naval Infantry) guns ready, run down hill and across field / CU Russian woman carries wounded soldier on her back, lots of smoke and rubble / MS soldiers run toward smoke and rubble with guns / Note: exact day not known

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Editorial #:
Sherman Grinberg Library
Date created:
16 September, 1943
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Release info:
Not released. More information
Clip length:
Novorossiysk, Soviet Union
Mastered to:
QuickTime 10-bit ProRes 422 (HQ) HD 1920x1080 23.98p
Originally shot on:
35mm B/W Neg
Sherman Grinberg Library
Object name:
- Former Soviet Union,
- World War II,
- Rocketship,
- Convoy,
- Harbour,
- Novorossiysk,
- Rocket Launcher,
- Army Soldier,
- Black Sea,
- Howitzer,
- Nautical Vessel,
- Ruined,
- 1940-1949,
- Accuracy,
- Adult,
- Aerial View,
- Allied Forces,
- Archival,
- Armored Tank,
- Artillery,
- Barge,
- Black And White,
- Bridge - Built Structure,
- Bright,
- Camouflage,
- Carrying,
- Close To,
- Conflict,
- Crossing,
- Day,
- Destruction,
- Differential Focus,
- Documentary Footage,
- Film - Moving Image,
- Gun,
- HD Format,
- Heavy Goods Vehicle,
- Hill,
- Leaving,
- Map,
- Marines - Military,
- Military,
- Military Ship,
- Mountain,
- Mountain Range,
- Newsreel,
- Night,
- Physical Injury,
- Preparation,
- Produced Segment,
- Real Time - Footage,
- Rubble,
- Running,
- Sailor,
- Sea,
- Ship,
- Shooting a Weapon,
- Slanted,
- Smoking - Activity,
- Soviet Military,
- Speed,
- Standing,
- Talking,
- Train - Vehicle,
- Video with Sound,
- War,
- Warship,
- Weaponry,
- Women,
- Wound,