100th Anniversary of Captain Scott's expedition: preview of exhibition and interviews
100th Anniversary of Captain Scott's expedition: preview of exhibition and interviews; Dafila Scott (Robert Scott's Grand daughter) interview SOT
Q: re Scott's appeal
- They did an amazing journey and he did an amazing trip / not only trying to go to the Pole but doing scientific and exploration work as well / I think he was a hero in lots of ways / they were so brave and stuck it out to the last / they were still carrying 35 pounds of specimens on the sledge / they took the science extremely seriously / It was a a broad-ranging exhibition
Q: re scientists marking Scott centenary as well
Dafila Scott SOT
- HIs work was the basis for so much work that has come since then / a lot of work going on in the Antarctic / we can see some of the results of that here
Q: re what motivated him
Dafila Scott SOT
- I think he was a mixture of things / he was a naval man but almost a scientist / he was interested in all sorts of things / he got interested in photography for example / that's how the lost photos that were found / I think perhaps he was a split personality / his team achieved an enormous amount
Q: re danger and risks
Dafila Scott SOT
- They knew they took risks / but risks were pretty calculated / were terribly unlucky with weather at the last minute / might have got back otherwise, without the tragedy we had / It's so different how people travel in polar regions now
Q: re his enthusiasm for natural world
Dafila Scott SOT
- It's an amazing legacy / their bravery stands out / ability to be cheerful in extraordinary circumstances / a curiosity for the natural world / family are very proud that other people find him inspiring / all sorts of celebrations next week / exhibition at Natural History Museum

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Date created:
13 January, 2012
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Object name:
- 100th Anniversary,
- Achievement,
- Adult,
- Antarctica,
- Awe,
- Bad Luck,
- Celebration,
- Cheerful,
- Colour Image,
- Contemplation,
- Courage,
- Cultures,
- Curiosity,
- Danger,
- Discovery,
- Environment,
- Environmental Issues,
- Exhibition,
- Exploration,
- Family,
- Film - Moving Image,
- Heroes,
- Interview - Event,
- Large,
- Lifestyles,
- Men,
- Motivation,
- Natural History Museum,
- People,
- Polar Climate,
- Pride,
- Raw Footage,
- Real Time - Footage,
- Risk,
- Science,
- Scientist,
- Social Issues,
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